Once Upon A Time

60 3 7




Ro, An, 




*AGE (16-17)

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*AGE (16-17)



Gender fluid




Strongheaded, hopeless romantic, smart, loves reading and learning new information, good leader, loyal, tries to be helpful even without avail sometimes, free-spirited, dry + dark humor, unconfident, non-confrontational unless need-be, blunt, good actress, reads and writes a lot, daydreams a lot. Mischievous like her mother, though she usually gets into trouble accidentally. Knows a bunch of different languages (not fluently but mostly), most specifically Scots Gaelic and English obviously. Devious, plans things really well, pulls pranks and can actually scheme pretty well


Reader (for lack of better name)


If she goes into a room she can hear faint whispers of the last conversation that happened in it. Same with objects. (The last conversation the user had with the object present) If it was an important or loud argument she can hear it fainter and requires more concentration if she wants to hear it louder and it also tires her out, and if it's a useless conversation she can hear it much louder. 


Being alone, fighting (swords, fists or words), drawing, reading, writing, telling stories, quips, mischief, hopeless romantic, likes cute gestures and shoes (edit: accidentally wrote 'shoes' instead of shows, so now it is an honorary add-in) of affection


Attention, embarrassment, getting in trouble, discipline, procrastination, laziness, excuses


Fighting, random facts, causing trouble accidentally, being a quick learner at anything but archery, riding horses, taking care of other animals


Can't shoot an arrow to save her life though she is getting lessons, always lets people walk all over her, quiet and kind of shrinks away unless she has a random urge of confidence



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She likes school so she really likes it.


Her family to be happy + healthy, some close friends and a significant other. She just wants to live peacefully.


"Confidence? Ha. Nope. Never heard of that."

"Some say that will-o'-the-wisps can lead you to your fate."

"Awww, I love love."

"I saw a little animal today. It was adorable."

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