Hero X Villain High

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Name: Zoë Pantazis

Hero/Villain Name: (this is hard- 😭😭) 

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: If half-immortal counts then that and if not she's a.... I'll get back to you on that 😶

Sexuality: Lesbian

Personality: CEO of Trust Issues, kill-joy, quiet, unable to normally process emotions, frustrates easily, a little boast-full and cocky, proud, sarcastic, generally annoyed with everything, used to seeing/hearing weird stuff, secretly wants friends and wants people to like her but since her parents are tough rich dudes and she mainly chills with them most people don't really like her, creative, tomboy-ish, hard-working, not someone you'd want to do a group project with, protective of herself and her parents, like her mother; she has a little bit of a soft side but not much. She doesn't let any positive emotions show/is very hesitant to do so, unless its teasingly. Definitely has daddy (and mommy) issues that she just suppresses to the max.

Grade: Sophomore 



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Hero/Villain Costume:

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Hero/Villain Costume:

Likes: Compliments although she doesn't know how to take them at all, silence, sketching, murder mystery books, actually secretly likes reading and learning things, ferretsss

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Likes: Compliments although she doesn't know how to take them at all, silence, sketching, murder mystery books, actually secretly likes reading and learning things, ferretsss

Dislikes: People, life, the living, loud noises, crowds, overly 'girl-ish' or 'boy-ish' things, cutesy things, excitement, just overall happiness. She's a real kill-joy. Secretly hates being left out too, even though she doesn't show that because she's too used to it at that point.

Powers: Able to sense death (how close someone is to death/feel/see the dead's presence) and controls shadows

Weapons: Anything can be deadly in her hands- /hj she prefers using a sword

Abilities: Very tall, very quick and stealthy and determined to succeed. Independent, and is secretly a nerd so she is very knowledgeable-

Pets: A ferret named Calliope :D (Ace don't kill me- 🙏🙏)

Alignment: Villain

Background: 😶 Imma let my 3 a.m. self take this one tonight- 😭

Other: Has a bunch of tattoos and rings. I'll find photos later but for now, yeah 😶

Dyslexic as well 😶

Suicidal but shhhh 🤫

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