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Name: Raegan Novikov

Nicknames: Rae

Age (16 - 18): 18

Pronouns: She/Her

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

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Raegan is a very closed off and quiet person. She usually makes a lot of sarcastic remarks and just generally seems completely done with life. However, once she is fully comfortable with someone, she's still the same just with more energy.


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Strengths: Strong, competitive, annoyed 24/7

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Strengths: Strong, competitive, annoyed 24/7

Weaknesses: Food, caffeine, has really bad panic attacks, awkward

Fears: Feeling helpless, The darkness, Letting people in

Likes: Being alone, playing sports, winning, carving

Dislikes: People, her parents, talking, small talk

Hobbies: Sketching, sleeping, anything artistic, anything athletic, shooting targets

Why are you at this school?(Ex: knows family members, scholarships, rich parents, etc):

She witnessed some stuff and had to go into witness protection but her parent's didn't want to give up their own lives so they sent her alone to witness protection and then booted her to this school cause they are rich

Backstory (optional): later 

Other: Russian, thick accent


"Putting the fun in funeral."

"Welcome to the dark side; Where all the fun stuff happens."

"I warned them. If they had only listened..."

"And not a single fuck was given today."

"I feel a spree coming on... Whether shopping or killing, I haven't decided yet."

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