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Name:  Maisie Pierce

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Fae

Character pros: Can be very kind-hearted, helpful, smart, good at following through

Character cons: Mood can switch in a flash, easily annoyed, very sarcastic, a little morally grey.

Looks: Short-ish wavy blond hair, gray eyes, average height

Looks: Short-ish wavy blond hair, gray eyes, average height

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Likes: Peace, giving people the middle finger, showing off, proving people wrong, being defiant, and sometimes likes helping people, music

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Likes: Peace, giving people the middle finger, showing off, proving people wrong, being defiant, and sometimes likes helping people, music

Dislikes: Arrogance, prejudice, hyperactive people, people who are too kind but also people who are too mean, assumptions, rules and restrictions

Weapons: Twin swords, but also good with just one

Magic: dark, or "black" magic

Abilities: Can Shapeshift

Pets: A black bat named Kleo

Role: Royal

Class: Berserker

Kingdom: Kingdom of Fae

Backstory: Make it up as I go.

Other: The identical twin sister to Amara, and will literally kill anyone who so much as looks at her sister the wrong way, and yet her relationship with her sister is very hit and miss. It can either be loving or; "If you so much as BREATH too loud around me then so help me God-" 

~Mae <3 

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