Hero X Villain High

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Name: Rachel Reynolds 

Hero/Villain Name: Charmer

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Human? tbd idk-

Sexuality: Aroace btch-


Rachel is a very cunning and manipulative girl who will do anything she can for what she wants.

She is aroace so she doesn't really feel romantic/sexual attraction to people but she still dates around because she likes messing with people's feelings.

She likes getting revenge for things and has a very psychotic outlook on life.

But, she can act very sweet and nice but BEWARE it's all just an act cause one moment she's making you rings and the next she's carving out your heart (totally not pointed- 😶)

Also slightly verbally and physically abusive to people 😶

Grade: Freshman



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Hero/Villain Costume: 

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Hero/Villain Costume: 

Likes: Being a btch, revenge, toying with people, being right, winning

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Likes: Being a btch, revenge, toying with people, being right, winning

Dislikes: A certain blue-haired woman 👀, people in general, heroes, innocent people, loosing

Powers: Manipulation

Weapons: A single blade though *ahem* she commonly used a gun and a knife 👀


Nothing. This btch has no skills except being a straight-up a$$hole and ofc a liar

Pets: Don't think she'd be able to/want to keep something else alive 😶

Alignment: Villain (Ace, Enzra should totally bunk with her 💀)

Background:  ⚠️⚠️TW⚠️⚠️

I'll write it out more detailed later (maybe-) but basically she lived with her dad and her mom, her mom left and her dad stayed but he mysteriously disappeared randomly, coming back late at night and she didn't know where he was going but later found him dead and went to get revenge on the killer...

He was kinda a pedo who kidnapped and r-ped this one girl um but she didn't care and tried to kill her 😶

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