~The Curse of a Mad Man~

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NAME| Tillie Cohen

AGE| ( 18 - 24 ) 19





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PERSONALITY| Anxious, Conscious of the time, either too early or too late, humble, reserved, thoughtful, but rushing people a lot, philosophical, has a different perspective on life.




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DISLIKES| Too much quiet/too much noise, being late, people interrupting her thoughts--unless they are bad, anxiety thoughts that cause her to spiral

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DISLIKES| Too much quiet/too much noise, being late, people interrupting her thoughts--unless they are bad, anxiety thoughts that cause her to spiral.

LIKES| Peace, simple solutions, being on time, watches, when her anxiety isn't that bad.

NIGHTMARES| ( 3 - 4 ) Things going wrong, being late, making a fool of herself.

HOBBIES| Knitting, reading, sudoku, puzzles, anything that'll get her mind going/help her forget her worries

STRENGTHS| Intelligent, Wise, competent, good at problem solving--after a moment of panic, of course

WEAKNESSES| Easy to panic, overly anxious, fidgety, tense

ELEMENT| Healing 

BACKSTORY| She had ridiculously strict parents. Like, strict on a whole new level that it was almost psychotic. That's where most of her anxiety comes from, and she makes sure to always stay in line and some times she still subconsciously follows their rules and gets really nervous when she accidently breaks them, even though she's now an adult and they don't apply anymore. She does have severe PTSD from this now though.

OTHER| Not that I can think of. 


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