High School Mayhem

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Full name: Calista Wolfe

Nicknames: None unless you wanna be murdered >:(

Gender + Pronouns: Female, She/Her

Age: 22

Birthday: May 19th

Sexuality: Lesbian

Personality: Calista is a very closed off, sarcastic individual. While she can be very flirty and darkly humorous, she also has a violent and threatening side.

She swears like a sailor and likes making bad movie, song, and book references, especially in very bad times. She is an amazing fighter and a trouble maker, and definitely morally gray without a question.

She may come off as social, but she's more like a social annoyance, not being very great with people in the least. If she likes someone though, whether platonically or romantically, she will stick with them more and stick up for them, and probably be a little less rude to them. 

She's definitely an asshole as much as she's a menace to society, and definitely should not be free to roam the world and should definitely not be around children. So, what does she do? She teaches them. 

She can be slightly immature at times but overall is relatively feared by anyone who knows what she did in her past though she prefers not to speak of the details. She is apathetic and very morbid, as well as slightly bitter and unapologetic.



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