1 ☀︎ Called In

55 1 23

22 - Taylor Swift
I love you like a Love song - Selena Gomez

First-person pov

ring ring

I woke up in the dark safety of my room because of that godforsaken noise. Unfortunately for me, I had a massive hangover from my birthday party last night. My 30th birthday was last night and I will never forget what happened.

ring ring

Trying to ignore it, I didn't move. Maybe it would go away on its own.

ring ring

"God whoever this is can go fu-"

ring ring

There goes ignoring it. It has to be important if it keeps persisting. With a big sigh, I rolled over and answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Finally answered the phone I hear." My best friend replied. I could just hear the coy smirk in her voice.

I rolled my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Can you please talk I want to sleep off this massive hangover," I mumbled. While talking I felt the bed shift as my fiancée rolled over.

I heard light laughter from the other end. "Very sorry to cut your sleeping short but you and your fiancée are needed at work." She told me.

"What? No. Can't this wait til tomorrow when I can see straight?" I whined into the phone. I felt a comforting hand on my back as made an effort to open my eyes.

"No can do Sophia. But...everyone else will be there so you won't be the only miserable one." She reasoned with me. Still, I was annoyed that I couldn't have one last day of peace.

"Well at least everyone else can walk without a limp today," I mumbled under my breath. I don't really think that she got absolutely railed last night.

"What was that, I didn't quite catch that?" She asked but something told me she knew exactly what I said. After all, she planned basically the whole thing.

My eyes widened. "Oh, it's nothing much. But I'm going to get ready now so bye-bye Scar." I hurriedly hung up the phone and laid back down.

"What was that about?" My fiancée asked me somewhat worried.

Did I mention why it was a memorable 30th birthday? Well, basically all of my friends were there, including my family who lives in Florida across the country. It was a little weird that everyone could make it but I didn't think anything of it at the time.

Chris and Scarlett had brought me to a clearing outside of LA. I was blindfolded all the way there, including in the car. When we approached the party area, Chris took off my blindfold from behind me and everyone in attendance yelled 'Happy Birthday!'

After thanking everyone, we started the party. Last night was full of drinking and partying like no tomorrow. After all, 30 is a big number. Lizzie even hired Taylor to sing live, which she gladly agreed to.

With the exception of a few songs including 'So Close', which was slowly becoming our song, Taylor sang for a good chunk of the party. Eventually, before everyone was more wasted than they already were, Taylor started singing 'Love Story.'

The crowd was singing along with Taylor and we got to the end of the song.

I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you was fading
When I meet you on the outskirts of town

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