8 ☾ Unfrozen

10 0 0

Radioactive - Imagine Dragons
How Deep is Your Love (Glee Cast Version) - Bee Gees

First-person pov
I immediately booked next-day plane tickets to Maine where he is actively being unthawed. Fury contacted me later that night formally requesting I come which I gladly accepted. I was getting my stuff together when I Facetimed Cobie.

"Sophia? what is it?"
"He's out!"
"Wait really? That's amazing. Just in time for your birthday too."
"I know. He won't be unthawed for some time but at least I will be able to see him."
"Good, I'm happy for you, for both of you."
"Thank you. I'll leave you to whatever I interrupted."
"You're welcome, it was just some boring paperwork, no biggie. Bye, see you later."

I hung up the phone and finished getting my stuff together. I'm packing for a couple of weeks cause I have no idea how long it actually takes for him to unfreeze.


I arrived on the shield base in Maine and I was merely ushered to the meeting room. Inside were Fury, Coulson, and a bunch of other higher leveled agents.

"Agent Romanoff how nice of you to join us." Fury said as Coulson came over and hugged me then the both of us went over to the table.

"Captain Rogers has been on the ice for almost 70 years. He is unthawing at this very moment. we need to figure out how to ease him into the world without just dumping it on him." One of the unfamiliar agents was stating the facts of his situation while we were all absorbing this discovery.

"Any suggestions?" Fury asked all of us and everyone had no ideas. Wow, how shocking. After a little while I communicated my idea of basically what happens in the movie. Everyone thought I was a genius, which I am, and even Fury gave me an approving nod. I'll take that from him.

I was asked to stay here along with Coulson which we both accepted. We walked in to see him and he just looked... vulnerable. Coulson thankfully dismissed everyone that was in the room then he came up to me and just side hugged me in comfort. I leaned into the hug and he started rubbing my shoulder. He didn't say anything which I secretly appreciated.

I walked up to the table he was at and I just stood there. I could see the promise band that I gave him some years ago still around his finger. I took it off so that no one becomes suspicious. I put it on the necklace that also had my engagement ring. I will give it back to him soon but I needed something like a necklace for him also.

Before I left I kissed him on the forehead and left without another glance in his direction. I could tell Coulson wanted to say something but didn't and we both left the room.


It's been about a month and the process has been slower than I thought it would be. I thought maybe it would take a couple of days, a week at most. But of course, nothing ever goes my way. A week turned into two then into a month. Not fun at all. The only good thing is that he is mostly unfrozen at this issue.

We moved from a small shield base in Maine to a shield tower in New York. He was placed in a forties-style room and everyone who walked in to take care of him was also in forties-era clothing. Before we left for New York I gave him his ring back using a necklace buried under his shirt.

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