9 ☾ Reunion

19 0 1

Like I'm Gonna Lose You - Megan Trainor
Can You Feel the Love Tonight - Elton John

A/n - I changed it from a reader to an oc. I'm going to try not to say too many details about what she looks like in case you want to still imagine yourself in it. Anyways back to the story.

First-person pov


He turned around and we meet eyes.


I could feel the tears coming to my eyes and I guess he could also see me tearing up. He came over and engulfed me in a comforting hug. At that point, I just fell apart in his arms. I was clinging onto him with a death grip because I was afraid of losing him again.

Honestly, I had no idea how touch-deprived I was until I was engulfed by his calming arms.

"It's okay. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." I buried my head in his shoulder and just took in everything.

Eventually, I let go so that I could look into his eyes. They looked absolutely gorgeous so I just mashed our lips together. It was a passionate kiss that I had waited a long time for. He returned it with the same passion and I had to remind myself that we were still at Shield.

"Wow, what the hell is happening?" I guess from his perspective, we saw each other last night. I pulled him down so that we could sit and talk about what happened. We started talking about how we got into the marvel universe and my experiences from the past year and a half.

"I'm so sorry, I wish I could have been here to help you through this." Oh, how I missed his voice.

"We will find a way to get home and get married I promise." Home sounds like a far-off dream now. But now I realize that my home isn't far off at all. Sometimes home is a person.

"No matter what world we're in, you will always be my home Chris." He looked like he was on the verge of crying so I walked over and we held each other in an embrace.

"I love you so much, Sophia." We kissed gently and just savored the moment.

"Alright lovebirds I don't need to see this." Fury was standing at the door with Coulson behind him about to laugh his ass off. Without looking over at him I flipped him off. Coulson faked offense and then started dying laughing. Fury just shrugged. They continued to stand there so our moment was over, unfortunately.

"Do you need something?" I asked the boys.

"I need the details of his release so I need to borrow him for a little bit." With some reluctance I let him go see Fury. I sat back down on the meeting chairs and then laid my head down. I never knew how comfortable these chairs are...


I had dozed off I guess when he came back because I was shaken awake from my light sleep. I could hear laughter from Coulson and I opened my eyes to Atlantic blue eyes. Honestly, Chris's eyes are gorgeous.

"We can go now and you can sleep in the car on the way home." I lifted my head up more and blinked so that I could get used to the light.

"Do you even know where home is?" He thought about it for a second and shook his head.

"I thought so. Let's go." I got up, took Chris's arm, and started walking toward the exit. He told me how Shield gave him some basic necessities such as a new phone and laptop. I got to my car and he was shocked at what car it was.

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