6 ⎊ The Expo

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Applause - Lady Gaga
These boots are made for walkin' - Nancy Sinatra

First-person pov
Scarlett and I drove back to the Stark mansion to keep our covers and help Robert with his Iron Man stuff. When we go there we could see Fury talking with Robert on the balcony.

"I got a 2:00" Fury got up to leave for New Mexico for Thor and his adventures.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. What's this?" Robert asked confused.

"Okay, your good right?" Fury said as he was walking out.

"No, ok, not good," Robert spoke up trying to get Fury to stay.

"You got this? Right? Right?" Fury was rushing out at this point.

"Got what? I don't even know what I'm supposed to get." Robert spoke as he threw his hands up in the air. Fury walked over to us and Coulson who I forgot was with us.

"Both Romanoffs will remain floaters at Stark with their covers intact." He pointed to us then Coulson.

"You remember Agent Coulson right?" Fury questioned.

"Yeah," Robert sighed.

"Oh and Tony remember I've got my eye on you." Furt looked at Robert and then left.

"We've disabled all communications. No contact with the outside world. Good luck." We told Robert then left to go work at stark industries. It's actually a pretty chill job especially when you know what we actually do. We all know that he shouldn't have a problem especially if he remembered the movie and its plot line.

Pepper was still a little suspicious of us but she still let us do our jobs. We're working our asses off trying to get ready for the stark expo. Only time will tell if we can still get the timeline intact.


It's the day before the expo and Robert of course couldn't stay at the house so he came over to peppers office in stark industries. I heard about it from other employees so I found Scarlett and walked towards peppers office so we can give her a chance to leave.

"Miss Potts?" I asked as we walked in at just the right time cause I could tell that she was getting angry with him.

"Hi come on in." she looked grateful too.

"Wheels up in 25 minutes," Scarlett told Pepper.

"Thank you," Pepper said as she collected her things.

"Are you blending in we'll here, ladies? Here at Stark Enterprises?" Robert was trying to make conversation but was doing horrible at it.

"I thought you three didn't get along?" Robert pointed at us then pepper.

"No. That's not so." Pepper said as she finished her paperwork.

"It's just me you don't care for. No? Nothing?"
She got up out of her chair to start leaving.

"Actually while you're here, maybe you and the ladies could discuss the matter of the personal belongings." Pepper said as she grabbed her purse and started to walk off.

"Absolutely," I told Pepper as she left. Me and Scarlett both looked at Robert.

"I'm surprised you can keep your mouth shut," Scarletts said as I was picking up the paperwork that Pepper left behind for us.

"Boy, you're good. Such mindblowing actresses. How do you do it? You can act here while also acting at Shield, how does that work?" He spoke fast but I was getting annoyed.

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