4 ⎊ Stark Industries

31 1 0

Counting Stars - OneRepublic
Cold Heart (PNAU remix) - Elton John and Dua Lipa

First-person pov
After finding out that Scarlett and I are literally in the movie series that we act for we decide to just take an evening and process this.

If this movie takes place in 2009 then my fiancee hasn't been found yet. He is still somewhere in the North Atlantic and no one knows he's alive.

I decided to try and sleep the worry off. Unfortunately for me, I couldn't fall asleep as I am currently in a completely different universe with only Scarlett being familiar.

I'm assuming that she is feeling the same way if not worse because at least I will get to see my fiancee eventually. Who knows when the next time that she will see her husband and daughter?

We both decide to just lay there and talk to each other after a while of not being able to fall asleep. Soon it turns into a sobbing session for both of us. This is hard to wrap my head around.

Eventually, morning comes and we get on a shield plane to go to California. We are briefed on what is happening with stark and stark industries. We are to be assistants to Pepper until we can figure out how to stop Stark from dying. Well so that he can figure it out himself.

We get off the plane and take a taxi to stark industries. We get their sign-in and wait for Pepper to come and get us.

"Hello, you must be the assistants come let's go see Tony" Pepper walks towards the elevator and we follow behind her.

"So what are your names?"

"I'm Ingrid Rushman and this is my sister Natalie Rushman," I told Scarlett on the way here to act natural. Even though we act for a living this will have much higher stakes than before.

"Well it is very nice to meet you guys, please follow me" The elevator stops and she rushes out. I and Scarlett take a slower pace so that we can prepare ourselves to see if it is Robert we are meeting or Tony.

I can hear Pepper up the hallway talking to I'm assuming stark. We walk in confident and we attract stares from Happy and stark. I'm pretty sure that it is Robert because he looks at us with recognition.

"I promise you this is the only time I will ask you to sign over your company" We walk over to Pepper and I give her the paperwork that she needs.

"I need you to go initial each box," I tell Pepper. I can hear promotion in the ring and I catch a glimpse of the boys boxing. They take a water break and he looks over at us

"What's your name ladies?" He asked us.

"Rushman, Natalie Rushman and this is my sister, Ingrid Rushman" I let Scarlett do the talking since she's not doing anything. I give Stark a small wave and he gives one back.

"Front and center. Come into the church." God, he really is cocky.

"No, you're seriously going to ask her..." Pepper looks up at Stark looking so annoyed.

"If it pleases the court, which it does." He said and I shook my head.

"It's no problem" I can tell Scarlett doesn't want to but she goes because I can't.

"I'm sorry. He's very eccentric" I chuckle and then inform her of what else she has to do.

Scarlett gets into the ring, looking sexy I might add, then listens to Stark talk about what she will be doing.

I walk over to the other side of the room to a water dispenser and grab some water.

"How do I spell y'alls last name?" I know what he's doing and I hope that nothing too bad is looked up.

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