10 ☾ Brunch

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Feel this moment - Pitbull
Hymn for the Weekend - Coldplay

First-person pov
It's been about 5 months since Chris came out of the ice and we've been living the life. Fury has decided to give me lighter and more local missions instead of out-of-country missions. Chris hasn't been working for Shield, at least not yet. We both agreed that it was for the best until the attack on New York.

Speaking of the attack on New York, all of the agents from our universe tried to get Fury to suspend the Tesseract project. I was the closest to getting it shut down as I was Fury's favorite.

Unfortunately, the UN Board of Directors had overridden Fury's order to stop the project. All we could do now was wait and prepare for the battle of New York.

On a lighter note, Chris, Cobie, Scarlett, Jeremy, Robert and I all had a get-together for the first time since we've been here. I surprised everyone with Chris as they did not know that he got out. They were all overjoyed with his arrival and the original gang was all together again.

I woke up from my sleep today and remembered that I had brunch with Coulson right outside of DC. I got up and got ready for the day. As it was still pretty cool outside I wore a forest green cropped hoodie with light blue high-rise jeans that had some holes in them. I wore some white high tops and put my hair in braids that lead to a bun.

"Where are you going looking all cute?" Chris came up from behind me as I was making me some coffee. I turned around and looked at his beautiful blue eyes.

"Just some brunch with Coulson. I'll be back sometime in the mid-afternoon." I gave him a peck on the lips and walked off to get my purse and a gun.

"Do you really need that?" Chris had followed me and saw him putting the gun under my hoodie. Little did he know I had two daggers in my shoes also.

"It's just a precaution so I shouldn't need it. I just want to make sure I'm protected. I am an agent of Shield after all. I've definitely made some enemies." He sighed and turned me around.

"I know I just worry about you. Be safe while you're out, please. I don't want anything to happen to you." He bent down to give me another kiss before I left. I melted into the kiss as I put my arms around his neck.

"I'll be alright. Nothing is going to happen." I whispered into the kiss then I pulled away. I walked over to the door and gave him a little wave. He returned it and I closed the door as I walked to my car.

I got to my car and when I sat down inside it I pulled up the directions to the restaurant. It was about 30 minutes away with traffic so I put on my '70s music playlist and drove off.


Once I got to the restaurant I realized it was a small local cafe. I walked into the restaurant and I saw Coulson already sitting down. I walked over to him and gave him a big hug. He returned it then I sat down in the booth across from him.

"Hello Sophia how are you?" He had a big smile on his face and I realized I hadn't seen him since Chris came out of the ice.

"I'm doing alright AC, doing smaller less intense missions now. Living life to the fullest while we try to figure out a way to get home." I was interrupted by the waitress coming over and asking what I wanted to eat. I ordered waffles and hash browns with some coffee. She wrote it down and left.

"AC? Really? You couldn't think of a better nickname?" He uttered. I laughed in response.

"It suits you," I told him and he smiled.

"Well, how's Chris? Is he settling down well?" He took a sip of the orange juice that he had ordered.

"Yes, he's been a dear. It was a shock definitely at first but we're mostly used to it now." The waitress came over with a mug and a coffee pot. She filled it up and then left. We were left in comfortable silence until he spoke up again.

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