12 ☁︎ Helicarrier

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Centuries - Fall Out Boy
Airplanes - B.o.B

First-person pov
Once we dropped down on the helicarrier Fury walked off elsewhere and I could see a redhead coming towards us. I took off in a sprint and so did she. We met halfway and we gave each other a long-needed hug. Once we separated a moment later we walked back over to my fiancee.

"Nice to see you out of the ice Evans." She teased with a smirk on her face. Chris laughed quietly but brought Scarlett into a hug.

"You cut your hair." I pointed out. Scarlett turned around and shrugged.

"I wanted something different you know. I almost dyed it back to blonde but I decided not to." She expressed as we started walking towards the big guy.

"Dr. Banner," Chris yelled out. The doctor looked over at us confused and then at Chris in recognition. Chris held out his hand for Bruce when he got over here.

"Yeah hi. They told me you would be coming." Bruce shook his hand and then greeted Scarlett and me.

"Word is you can find the cube," Chris said.

"Is that the only word on me?" Bruce asked looking nervous. I mean I would be too if I was in his situation.

"The only word we care about," I assured him. He looked over at me in confusion.

"Irina Romanoff but you can just call me Sophia." I introduce myself and he just looked more confused.

"You have a sister?" He asked Scarlett shocked. We both chuckled as we nodded our heads yes. Even though we weren't, we didn't want to confuse the man more than he already was. We then felt the ground move from underneath.

"Uh, we may want to step inside. Before we can't breathe." Scarlett reminded us. Bruce looked confused. The helicarrier was getting the engines out of the water and, I'm not going to lie, it was pretty cool.

"Really? They want me in a submerged, pressurized container?" Bruce chuckled. We all moved towards the edge where we could see the engines lifting out of the water.

"No, no, this is much worse." He shook his head as we started walking back inside. Scarlett led the way to the main control room.

I could hear the boys making some small conversation as we walked but I was too far in front of them to make out what it was. Chris and I stood near the table as Bruce walked over to the steps nearby. At first glance, I could see Coulson and Cobie in the room.

"Let's vanish," Fury announced from his control podium. After a rumble of the ship, I assumed that we were invisible now. Scarlett went to go do something on the nearby computers.

"Gentleman and Sophia." Fury turned and started walking towards us. We nodded our heads in greeting then Fury went to go talk to Bruce.

Chris caught up to Cobie and they exchanged hugs and greetings. I stood next to Scarlett looking at the computers.

"So how long am I staying?" Bruce asked Fury.

"Once we get our hands on the tesseract you're in the wind." The director responded.

"Where are you with that?" The men both started walking towards Coulson.

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