15 ☁︎ Seeing, Not Beliving

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The Greatest Show - The Greatest Showman
Hall of Fame - The Script

"Agent Coulson is down."

"A medical team is on its way to your location."

"They're here. They called it."

A/n - this chapter is long as hell, you've been warned.

First-person pov
Fury had to walk me to the bridge because I couldn't bring myself to leave the sight. On the plus side, if there is one right now, I saw Chris near the meeting table.

"Sophia?" Chris called out as he ran to take me from Fury. He wrapped his arm around my body, and we walked over to the table. He whispered "I'm sorry" in my ear before we sat down, with me being almost on top of Chris, that's how close we were.

Only Robert and Cobie were there, along with Fury. Thor was MIA along with Bruce/Hulk while Scarlett and Jeremy were in the Med Bay.

After a long period of silence, Fury spoke up.
"These were in Phil Coulson's jacket. But I guess you already knew that." He then threw the bloody cards at the table.

It was fake blood, but even still I felt I had to look away. I couldn't stop his death, no matter how hard I tried. Chris could sense that, and so he started rubbing my back soothingly as he picked up one of the cards.

Fury was making an inspirational speech, but I didn't have one care to listen, that was until he said something that sparked my interest.

"...because I was playing something even riskier. There was an idea, you probably know this, called the Avengers initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, to see if they could become something more. To see if they could work together when we needed them too, to fight the battles that we never could."

Fury sat down in between me and Robert while he was continuing his speech. That was when I finally looked up and faced the cold, hard truth.

We had to become avengers. Whether we liked it or not.

"Now I know that you never wanted to be heroes, never meant to become one either. But Phil Coulson died still believing in that idea, in heroes."

Very abruptly, Robert stood up and looked at the four of us who were sitting at the table. Then, almost as suddenly as he got up, he left the room.

"Well, it's an old-fashioned notion." Fury concluded before he walked out of the bridge.
There was more silence, and it only broke when Cobie left to go do God knows what.

"Come on, let's go talk," Chris told me softly. I nodded my head in response and we stood up. We walked out of the room with me leaning on his side. After passing through a couple of hallways, Chris pulled me to the side.

What caught me off guard though was him smashing his lips onto mine. I gladly accepted and returned it with the same amount of passion.

"Don't scare me like that." He told me once we stopped for air. Deciding to play with him, I smirked. "Like what?" I played dumb.

"You know what I mean. I was worried about you, you didn't answer anyone." He whispered as he started kissing my collarbone. I didn't think that we would be doing this now but here we are.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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