3 ☀︎ The Discovery

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Lovely - Billie Eilish and Khalid
Believer - Imagine Dragons

First-person pov
I woke up with sunlight pouring through a window in my bedroom. Wait who's bedroom?

I shot up in my bed. I honestly cannot remember how I got here. I was trying to figure it out when it all came back. There was a magical glowing star-shaped portal that we got sucked into. Wait if I'm here then where is everyone else?

I looked around and on the other side of the room, there was a desk with a computer on it, a door that leads to a bathroom I guess and a redhead sleeping in another bed next to me. Wait I don't know any redheads? I got up as quietly as I could and tackled her on the bed. I pinned her down and it was... Scarlett?

"What the hell!?" She yelled as she was woken up by me.

"Scarlett??" I said in shock.

"Sophia?" She said confused.

"Why do you have red hair?!" I asked her really confused.

"Why do you have red hair?" She asked getting up. Wait what? I have red hair?

I got up off the bed and walked over to the floor-length mirror. Guess what? Lo and behold there I was also having long red hair.

"How did we get here, last I remembered I was watching you get sucked through the glowing door?" Scarlett asked slightly panicked. Well I mean I am too.

"I don't know but why is there a shield logo on the computer" There was a slight fear creeping up on me. On the back of the computer, there was the shield logo that is in the Marvel movies.

"Scarlett..." The next thing I know there is a phone ringing on the nightstand closest to the bed I was sleeping in. Both I and Scarlett walked over to the phone and the contact name was Nick Fury?! Slowly I picked up the phone and answered it.

"Hello?" I said with an eerily calm tone

"Hello Agent Romanoff, I am pleased with your last mission with your sister, and as such when you come into work this morning I expect both of you to head straight to my office."

"Um, yes sir?" I quickly hung up the phone and me and Scarlett made eye contact. I could tell that we were both in shock as to what in the hell was happening. The only thing keeping me from thinking it's not a dream is that I can feel the cool metal of my engagement ring on my left hand.

"Is this a prank?" We both said at the same time. I inspected the phone more closely. I noticed it looked like an older phone. I then got the idea to check where we were. Turns out we were in DC in 2010. Wait for 2010?

"Scar I don't know if this is a joke." I said quietly.

"Well, why would it not be" she was interrupted by me shoving the phone in her face.

"Because you can't change the calendar date on your phone and it says it is May 2010!" I raised my voice toward the end because I am very anxious especially because I have no idea where my fiancee is.

"oh shit" she mumbled under her breath. Oh, shit indeed. I walked towards the big window in the room and found the DC skyline. In the not-so-far distance, I could make out an unfamiliar building that looked like the triskelion.

"Scar I'm sorry for yelling at you but I need you to come here," I said in a softer voice. She got up from her bed and look where I was looking

"Is that what I think it is?" She asked scared for the answer.

"Yeah, I think it's the triskelion. I don't think that we're in LA anymore." I said sadly.

"Do you think that maybe... We're in the marvel universe" I could feel the dread rising in me as well as the urge to puke. My world is turning upside down.

"What happened? All I remember is falling through the star-shaped portal" I needed to know what happened and why we are together. More importantly, I need to find my fiancée.

"Well after you got pulled into the portal Chris all most immediately jumped in after you. I think that me and Brie got pulled in but honestly, I have no idea if anyone else is in this world" Scarlett said trying to recount last night.

"We should probably see Fury and find out what he wants," I told Scarlett as I walked into the bathroom. It was a nice spacious bathroom, especially for two people. I got ready and when I came out Scarlett was crying. I mean I did too when I was in the bathroom.

"Hey it's going to be alright" I walked over and took her hands.

"No, it's not I mean I have a husband, a daughter and oh a life!" She took her hands out of mine and put them on her face.

"That is why we have to stay strong and get through this. We have to find the others and figure out how to get the hell out of here." I engulfed her in a hug and I'm pretty sure she just melted into it.

"O-ok," she said through her almost silent sobs.

"Ok let's go see Fury now" I got up off of the bed and went over to the desk. I found a necklace chain and put my ring in it. As much as I would love to wear it it would be a little weird if Irina Romanoff was wearing an engagement ring.


Both Scarlett and I arrive at the building scared to death about what the outcome is. We walk up the stairs to the elevator. Surprisingly we knew innately where to go. Eventually, the elevator stopped and we walked to Fury's office. We knocked and we heard a "come-in" so we walked in

"Ah just who I wanted to see, the Romanoff sisters" Fury turned around, and let's just say he looked even more menacing in person.

"It's good to be here sir" I looked over at Scarlett and she was silent in shock so I nudged her.

"Oh um, hello sir" god I just wanted to facepalm right then and there. She couldn't make it more obvious.

"Hello, I would like to congratulate you on your success in Santiago. You both did a fine job on this." He told us but not before giving Scarlett a side-eye.

"To reward your success you can skip the paperwork and go onto another mission," Fury said as he looked at us with one eye.

"Wait already? Didn't we just get back sir?" Scarlett asked with some unease. I don't know if either of us can shoot a gun or fight well so...

"Yes because this mission is of complete urgency. I am sending you to Malibu. You are to act as assistants to stark industries because we have reason to believe that Stark is dying" Scarlett and I gave each other a side-eye. I wonder if Robert also came through the portal. I'm sure Scarlett was thinking the same thing. If this takes place during iron man two then he is most definitely dying and we have to do our job to perfection to make sure that he doesn't.

"Any questions? No? Then you are dismissed, you leave tomorrow" I guess we're going to Malibu.


Approx 1300 words.


Two chapters in one day 🤭

We're going into iron man two :)

Probably won't post anymore over the weekend because I am exhausted.

Please leave comments and ideas.

Ily <3

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