5 ⎊ Spying Spies

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Killer Queen - Mad Tsai
Money, Money, Money - ABBA

First-person pov
It's been about a week since the whole Monaco incident. Scarlett and I decided to try and see if Robert was here or not. We are currently in the Stark mansion in Malibu to see if we can calm things down.

"Yes, but the fundamentals of the company are still very, very strong despite the events in Monaco" Pepper is, unfortunately, taking a lot of the heat because of Stark's actions.

"Yes, of course, ma'am the AP wants a quote" We are all on our phones and computers making calls and whatnot.

"Don't tell him. Fax him." Pepper mouthed.

"Where is he?" We all turn around and see Rhodey in the doorway in his uniform.

"He doesn't want to be disturbed" "he's downstairs" We gave Pepper a look but continued with our business. The news is playing in the background with some negatives about the iron man.

"Iron Man never stopped protecting us. The events in Monaco prove that." Pepper told whomever she was talking with on the phone.

Rhode went downstairs to talk to Tony. I'm not going to say I'm not concerned because I am. His birthday party is in a few days and we all know how that's going to go.


Me and Scarlett have been in this world for a couple of weeks now and let's just say that I hate having this job. This party just reminds me of home and I don't like it. Scarlett and I decide to help Stark with party preparation and to keep an eye on the side effects of his poisoning.

"Do you know which watch you'd like to wear tonight, Mr. Stark?" I asked him.

"I'll give them a look" We brought the watches to his countertop and she decided to start making a drink.

"I should cancel the party huh?" I grabbed the drink from Scarlett

"Probably" I said and started walking over to him.

"Yeah. Cause it's um..." He looked up at me.

"Ill-timed?" I commented.

"Right sends the wrong message." He said in a whisper.

"Inappropriate" At this point I was right up next to him and I could see how bad the poisoning was.

"Is that dirty enough for you?" Uh I don't like this at all.

"Gold face, brown band. The jaeger. I'll give that a look" I walked back over to the counter where Scarlett was. She gave me a look that was a mix of shock and impression. I took the box of watches from her hands and carried it over to Stark.

"Bring them over here, I'll take that why don't you..." he got sidetracked as I sat down on the armchair of his couch. I helped him with some makeup because he looked exhausted. I couldn't blame him though.

"I gotta say it's hard to get a read on you, both of you. Where are you two from?" He asked us. Another universe but I can't say that.

"Legal," Scarlett said from across the room.

"Can I ask you a question, hypothetically? A bit odd," He spoke.

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