14 ☁︎ Pure Uncontrolled Chaos

7 0 0

Dog days are over - Florence + the Machine
All for us - Labrinth & Zendaya

A/n: I think that this chapter is absolute dogshit writing and if/when I feel like it, I'll edit it.


Before I could tell Fury however I remembered what happened next. Oh god, how could it have slipped my mind?

I made eye contact with Chris who had a fearful look in his eyes. He was about to run over to me but before he could he was blasted away from me.

The explosion rang out from below us and I felt my back hitting glass and falling through it. I fell about 10 feet before I hit the cool metal below me. I groaned before it all went black for a moment.


Third person pov
"Get the suit on," Chris told Robert as he got up from the ground. "Yeah." Robert agreed as they helped each other up.

Fury sat up, trying to catch his breath along with Scarlett next to him. "Cobie!" Fury yelled over the comms trying to find out what was happening.

"External detonation. Number three engine is down." Cobie was on the bridge looking at the computers and relating the information to her boss.

"We've been hit." One agent stated. "Can they get it running? Talk to me." Cobie asked as she walked over to a different agent.

"Turbine looks mostly intact, but it's impossible to get out there to make repairs while we're still in the air." He told Cobie. "If we lose one more engine, we won't be." She replied.

"Somebody's got to get outside and patch that engine." She stated walking back over to the controls.

"Robert, you copy that?" Fury asked.

"I'm on it," Robert replied.

"Coulson, initiate defensive lockdown in the detention section then get to the armory. Sophia?" Fury commanded as he walked to the bridge with Scarlett.


While that conversation was happening, Sophia was attempting to dislodge her leg from a fallen metal pole.

"We're okay." She grunted still trapped. Bruce on the other hand was free but struggling to contain the Hulk. "We're okay, right?" She whispered as her breathing started picking up.


On top of the Helecarrier, Jeremy and a group of agents were breaking into the vents. "Keep that engine down. Detention, wait for cameras to go dark." He commanded his agents.


On one of the lower levels, Chris and Robert were running to the damaged engine. "Engine three, I'll meet you there," Robert told Chris.

Once Chris had started running to the engine, Robert unlocked his Iron Man suit which started powering off.


Meanwhile, with Bruce and Sophia, Bruce was still straining to keep the hull contained. Sophia desperately tried to stop Bruce from turning as she knew what would happen if he did.

"Doctor?" Sophia asked and Bruce only grunted louder in response. "Bruce? You got to fight it. This is just what Loki wants. We're going to be okay. Listen to me."

At that moment, two agents came running to assist the duo. "Are you hurt?" They asked Sophia who only shooed them away in response. There was no need for them to be here, especially if she couldn't calm Bruce down.

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