7 ☾ The Wait

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All by Myself (Glee Cast Version) - Céline Dion
Talking to the Moon - Bruno Mars

First-person pov
It's been a little while since the events of Iron Man 2 and we went our separate ways. Both Scarlett and Robert agreed to stay in touch and that we would see each other eventually.

Robert "broke up" with Pepper as he explained in vague detail what happened. She understood that it was for the best and they separated peacefully. They still agreed to be friends though

Scarlett and I went back to Fury to do a mission report on what happened. We finished and said goodbye as she had been assigned somewhere elsewhere.

Now it was me alone in this world. My life is shit right now if I'm being obvious.

After a couple of days' mission in Mongolia, I was sleeping peacefully in my bed when I heard the obnoxious sound of my phone ringing. I hung up on the person and went back to sleep. Not even a minute later they rang again. Now very annoyed with this person I answered.

"Romanoff how nice that you finally answered." Oh, it was Maria.

"Mhm, what would you like?" I heard a chuckle on the other side but I was too tired for a snarky remark right now.

"Oh sorry to wake you, Sophia," Maria said with a laugh. Sure she's sorry.

"No no no you didn't. I've been up for hours." I yawned and wasn't really processing what she was saying at the moment.

"Who is this?" I heard a long drawn-out sigh from her.

"It's still me Sophia. Meet us at the coffee shop in an hour." I heard the phone hang up and I slowly started to make my way out of bed to get ready to meet Cobie and friends at the coffee shop. Wait... Cobie? She's here!

I hurriedly got ready and left to go to the coffee shop. I was 20 minutes early but I didn't care. For the first time in forever, I won't be alone. I saw Scarlett and Robert walk in together and I waved them over. They came and sat down next to me after we greeted each other.

"Wait does everyone know except for me?" They both nodded their heads and I facepalmed.

"Cobie told me about your phone conversation and it was just hilarious," Robert said as he patted my back and I could feel my face heating up. I could see Cobie and... Jeremy? Or client? I honestly have no idea. But both of them were here.

"Hi Sophia," Both of them said at the same time and I just gave them a gigantic hug. They both gave me one in return and we sat down.

"How- when did you contact us?"

"Well we found out about each other after Thor," she pointed between her and Jeremy then continued.

"Then we reached out to Scarlett and we found out then. She then told Robert and was going to tell you but you were still out on a mission." That makes more sense now. We finished our drinks and left to go back to Roberts's apartment he had in DC.


We talked for a while in his bedroom about what has happened since we got here. We conversed until it brought up who else is here.

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