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By the time Jennie finishes all her classes it is 3:30pm.
She enters her dorm room and finds Jimin there.

"Hey " he greets looking up from his laptop.
"What's up "
"Just working on this stupid geography map"
"Oh niceee its rare to see you study,
By the way where's Jungkook?" Jennie said, dropping bag from her shoulder.
"He's out for his basketball practice "

"Ohh ,you didn't go for your swimming practice ?"
"My practice got canceled because some idiot mixed red paint in the water pipe connected to the pool so we cannot practice until its fixed"
"Why would anyone even do that ?"
"No idea, probably that guy has beef with someone from our swimming team, they even somehow covered the cctv."
"Must have taken some real hard work." Jennie said laughing.

Then she grabs some notes from her drawer and puts them in her bag "I'm going for my music practice right now and then will be going to Taehyung's house for the history project so I'll be late" Jennie informs him

"Alright and try not to kill him." he says sarcastically as it has been an on-going joke between them.
"I'll try but can't guarantee."

Jennie is the president of the music club, she has been the president since the beginning of this term.

While walking to the music room she passed the basketball court where she saw the guys practicing.
She saw Jungkook and also Taehyung who is the vice captain of the team.
She also spotted her senior and friend Suga; he was also the team captain,
Who is surprisingly great at basketball despite his height.

Entering the music room she saw that others were already there,
so she just casually greets the
She spots Rosè the vice president of the club, who joined recently but became the vice president due to her mesmerizing vocals.
"Hi" she greets her with a smile,
"Hey unnie " Rosè greets back while waving her hand in the air.

Jennie wasn't close with Rosè as she has just joined the club last week.
They had barely talked to each other,
All she knew about Rosè was that she is in her 1st year and was a close friend of Lisa as she has seen both of them hanging out and talking to each other.

"Hey everyone so as you all are already aware that there is a charity event being held at our college and many important guests will be coming,
So regarding that our principal Ms Lee Ji-eun told me that she wants our music club to prepare an opening performance for the charity event." Jennie announced to all the other members of the music club and the others seem to get pretty excited by the news, specially the one's who are in their first year as it will be their first time performing.

"So we have one week as today it is Wednesday and the event is on next Wednesday,
So today we'll be practicing our vocals and instruments and tomorrow I want all of you to bring suggestions for the song that we should perform." she says continuing.

At around 5:45 she got free from her practice, she was exhausted but still had more on her schedule for the day,
"Ugh...now I have to go to that bastard's house too !" she says to herself then grabs her bag and leaves for his house.

Unlike almost every student at the university Taehyung didn't live in dorm,
He stayed with his family in a freaking mansion.

His house wasn't that far,
Jennie took her bicycle to go to his house, it would take her around twenty minutes to reach.
She didn't have a car as it was too out of her budget.
After cycling for about twenty minutes she finally reaches his house.

"How can I help you Miss?" the guard at the door asked her.
"Im Jennie, Taehyung called me here "
"Right sir informed me about you, this way mam" guard says opening the door for her.

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