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Today is Monday morning
I just woke up 5 minutes ago and am still laying in my bed

Neither Jungkook nor Jimin are here in the room
They are practicing for the sports event
Jungkook's basketball match is on Wednesday and Jimin's swimming competition in tomorrow on Tuesday, which is tomorrow
Which means neither of them will be attending the classes today

I get up from my bed and walk over to my closet to grab my outfit for the day
After getting ready I was packing my books
But I honestly have no mood to attend classes today

I think today I should skip classes and practice for my performance at the award ceremony
Yeah it's a good idea

I walk out of my dorm room
"Morning Jennie" it was Namjoon, who also just exited his dorm
"Good morning" I say greeting him
"Prepared for your performance?"
"Honestly saying, I am not yet fully prepared"
"Oh, then you better prepare it today itself
Cause you won't get any time later on because of the tournaments"
"Yeah, that's why I am currently heading to music room to practice,
I've decided that it would actually be better to skip classes today"
"Yeah you're right
Best of luck"
"Thanks" I say parting our ways

On my way to the music room I spot Yeonjun, who is walking my way
"Hi Jennie"
"Jennie can you inform the song you'll be performing
We need music for background"
"Yeah sure"

After that I reach the music room
I take the key out of my pocket and unlock the door
As the leader of music club I always have a spare key with me

Entering the room I place my bag I one corner,
Turn the music on and grab my guitar
This is my area
The place where I can let everything out
My frustrations, my doubts

The time I leave the music room It is 3:00 pm
I've been practicing for five hours straight
I'm hungry, so now I am leaving to eat something at canteen

There aren't many students here in the canteen at this time
I get myself a sandwich along with a cup of coffee
And sit at one of the many empty tables

"Hi Jennie" I heard someone say
I turned to see it was Kai

"What do you want Kai ?" I say being well aware this person
"Oh I don't want anything,
Was hungry so came to canteen and it seems like it's my lucky day, there's a seat empty just besides you" he says pulling the chair out for himself

I was eating while completely ignoring his presence
"So is everything alright ?" Kai
"Huh ?"
"Oh come on we all saw that little dispute between you and your boyfriend"
"What! Taehyung is not my boyfriend"

"Oh yeah sorry, he's your ex right
Now you're dating that new guy,
What was his name again,
"What the fuck !, who said you this ?" I say turning to him

"People talk Jen,
Some even said that Taehyung shouted at you because you cheated on him with Mino"

"But this isn't true
I never dated Taehyung and neither am I dating Mino
Why would people spread such rumors" I say in utter shock after hearing what Kai said

"Who told you this ?
Who started this rumor ? Please tell me " I asked as he stood up from his chair

Then placed his hand at my shoulder and whispered I my ear "I'm not that sure but I think that the guy's name was Kai" he said before walking away

Oh no this cannot be good
Anything that Kai says literally spreads like wildfire,
Half of the students have probably already heard about this false rumor

What should I do now
Taehyung isn't even talking to me

Not being able to control myself, I run out of there
Tears forming in my eyes

When I was running out of the corridor I bumped into someone
"Unnie are you alright ?" It was Rosè, and Lisa was also there with her
"Ye-yeah" I say not facing them to hide my tears
"Unnie you're crying, which means you are definitely not ok" Lisa
"I'm fine"
"Unnie we're like your younger sisters" Rosè
"You can share anything with us" Lisa
And that's the moement my tears broke out
I couldn't hold myself anymore, it was all too much

I told them everything,
From everything that happened at the camp side to what Kai said today

"Don't worry Unnie everything will be alright
We're always here for you" Rosè

"You need to talk to Taehyung oppa and if you don't want to talk to him then I can talk to him for you,
I didn't knew my brother was a jealous type" she says mumbling the last part which made me chuckle

"No Lisa, I think I should myself talk to him, but I don't want to do that righ now"

"It's ok unnie, it's completely fine to take your time" Rosè

"But if you change your mind, I can always complain about oppa to mom, she already loves you
After the lunch that day she asked oppa like a hundred times, weather you are his girlfriend, mom really couldn't stop talking about you" Lisa

After talking to the two I feel really nice and releaved

I walk up the stairs, towards my dorm room
On my way I am stopped by Mino

"Hi Mino"
"Hey Jen, May I take a few minutes of your's
I hope you won't mind"
"Nope I don't mind"

I was really taken aback when he took both my hands into his
"So Jennie I wanted to tell you that,
When I saw you for the first time a few years ago, you really to managed to create a spot for yourself in my heart
I had a huge crush on you that time, but I wasn't that confident to confess
But now that we've met again after all these years
I want to say that
I really like you Jen, I really do
Please give me a chance
Please give us a chance"


After finishing my basketball practice I was walking to Wooshik's dorm
When I heard someone, I looked at that direction
It was Jennie and Mino
I hid behind a wall and was hearing their conversation

"I really like you Jen, I really do
Please give me a chance
Please give us a chance" I heard Mino say to Jennie
My blood boiled hearing him confess to her
He has no right to hold her hands, to touch her

Before I could hear her response my phone rang
They both looked at my direction
But I was out of their sight
I walked away to switch off my phone
But when I returned I saw.....

Jennie was hugging Mino

So this was end of this chapter
Hope you all like it
Please ignore any mistakes
I don't own any of the pics above credit to the owners
Next chapter comming soon.....
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