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"Gusss who just kissed Rosè " Jimin says entering in our dorm

"Guess who doesn't care" jungkook

Jimin just flip him off with his middle finger

"Wait wait you said kiss, that's something different, very different
Are you really Jimin
Because the Jimin I know does way more than just a kiss" Jungkook

"That's because he actually really likes her
And he wants to have a successful relationship with Rosè, not a one night stand " I say rolling around in my bed

"True" Jimin says winking at me

Then both Jungkook and I look at each other and start to sing

"So this is love mm
So this is loveee
So this is what make life divineeee....."

And both of us receive flying pillows at our faces at the same time

And just like this the whole room was filled with laughter


The next morning

"Taehyung, like seriously fucking sixty million " I say while walking out of our history class

Today we had our project presentation
Which surprisingly went really well
As I didn't let anyone else speak
Cause I was damm sure that the others would fuck up the whole presentation

"Love, when you have a powerful image to create no amount of money is too much " he replies placing his arm over my shoulder

"Can you please not" I say trying to remove his arm
Only to remember he's way stronger than me

"I'll have to say you have a beautiful voice " he says
"Thanks " I say smiling at him

"Jen" he says as we were entering the canteen
"Hmm" I responded
"The other students aren't aware yet but we all are being taken for camping the comming Tuesday by the university, would you like to come"

"Really, oh my God ofcourse I would come " I say with my gummy smile

"You really seem to love camping "

"I love anything which keeps me close to nature" I say, the smile not leaving my lips

After that I wave him a goodbye and join Jimin and Jungkook
He also joins his friends


So today is Saturday
Rosè and I are officially dating

And I have somehow convinced her to accompany me to my family dinner

She is actually really sweet
She didn't even seem to be bothered by the fact that we just started dating yesterday and I was already asking her to meet my parents

She was actually really happy and immediately said yes

And I am grateful to have her by my side
Because in these past three days she has actually made my smile like a thousand times

She's just like a cute and bubbly chipmunk

And I love her

Rosè and I walk up to the door of my parents house and I ring the door bell
While my other hand was busy intertwining with Rosie's fingers

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