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Walking through the university gate
I can see the large number of students here
These students are not only from this university but from different universities and colleges, all gathered to see, compete and win the spots event

I'm in my red t-shirt, just like all other students from my university
But I can also see blue, yellow, green, white, orange and purple t-shirts
Showing different students from different places

The oath has already been taken
I decided to not attend the oath taking ceremony as it is really boring

The first competition is of tennis
So right now I'm waking to the tennis court, to support my friend Irene
The loud cheers and shouts could be heard from miles away

"You can do this unnie" I say pressing a reassuring hand on her shoulder
"Fingers crossed"

"Now we have Bae Irene from Dream Big and Kim Tae-hee fom Golden Education" it was announced as Irene unnie stepped forward

I was watching the match when I noticed that Taehyung was also there
I walked over and stood next to him
I'm pretty sure he noticed my presence
To clear the awkwardness in the atmosphere i decided to start the conversation

"Hey" I said but there was no response
I waved hand at front of his face "I'm talking to you mister"

"Don't tell me that he already dumped you" Taehyung
"Huh, what do you mean ?"
"Mino must have already dumped you, that's why you are here
To get some sympathy and attention"
"What the fuck Taehyung"
"Oh so you are still with him, good for you"

He started to walk out of the court
I followed him
"Taehyung stop and talk to me" I say walking behind him
I was shouting behind him not caring about the other students in the corridor

He entered one of the nearby empty classrooms
I also went in "Taehyung why-"
That was all I could manage to say,
Before he pinned me to the wall

His fingers gripping my arms so tight,
I'm sure they are going to leave marks
His angry gaze actually making me feel scared

"You think I fucking don't know
I saw what happened yesterday,
I-i thought there was something between us
But after all this time you chose him" his eyes were almost teary but when he wiped his tears away the only thing left was anger

"No Taehyung you've misunderstood it's not like that"
Can you please stop fucking lying to my face
I saw everything with my own eyes"

"It's not what it looks like-" I started only to be cut by him mid sentence

"I don't need your fake explanations,
Neither do I need you
So please get the fuck out of my life and let me live in peace
I don't need a cheater
I fucking hate you Jennie Kim"

He let's go his grip from my arm and leaves the room
Leaving me here alone
I lean down the wall and cry my heart out


After calming myself down I check the time and there were only a few  minutes left in the swimming competition
I exit the room because I surely don't want to miss seeing Jimin win

My eyes are puffy from all the crying, my hair is probably a mess and the marks on my arm hurt, but thankfully they are covered with my half sleeve t-shirt

I reach in time as it was just announced that the 100m freestyle is about to start
I spot Jungkook with Lisa and Rosè,
I went and stood next to them

"Hi unnie" said Lisa, it seems like Rosè doesn't even know about my presence as her eyes are practically glued at her boyfriend
"Hi Liz"

"Hey Jen, where have you been since morning ?, you weren't there during badminton competition" Jungkook
"Oh umm- gymnastics and badminton competition was at the same time, I was watching gymnastics"
"Ohh, who won ?" Jungkook
"I also want to know, I really wanted to watch the gymnastics competition but this guy pulled me with him to the badminton match" Lisa said pointing at Jungkook

Fuck I'm screwed
How am I suppose to tell them who won, when I didn't even watch any of it

Just when I was comming up with an excuse
It was announced to all the swimmers to get ready
And thankfully both Lisa and Jungkook shifted their attention over Jimin
Saving me from lying

"3....2....1....go" and with that Jimin along with the other swimmers jumped in the pool
The area was covered with the shouts of students, chanting for their favorite swimmer to win
Jimin was currently at 2nd position
The guy at 1st is from Blue Quartz

It seems to be a really close competition
Rest of the swimmers are way back from these two
Which means Jimin is going to be either 1st or 2nd
To many people 2nd seems a great position to get,
But not to Jimin
For him anything in swimming except 1st is equal to loosing

Both of them hit the 90 meter mark
Jimin is still second
But suddenly he increases his pace
When the other swimmer is too tired at this point to swim faster,
Jimin uses his full strength and surpasses the other guy
And swims through the finish line before anyone else
Jumping up and down we all cheer for him

The moement he gets out of the water we all run towards him
"Woo-hoo Jimin you did it" Jungkook
"See, I told you
You were worrying for no reason" I say
"Yeah you did great" Lisa
"Thanks guys" Jimin

His eyes travel to a blonde girl who was just standing there looking at him admiringly
He walks towards her, picking her up in his arms and going in for a deep kiss

I love these two together and I love seeing them together
But seeing this today is reminding me of everything that happened in the last week and what happened today

How some people find love so easily and how some get stuck in the trap of hatred and misunderstandings

So this was end of this chapter
Hope you all like it
Please ignore any mistakes
I don't own any of the pics above credit to the owners
Next chapter comming soon .....
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