Epilogue ♡

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5 years later-

Three friends were sitting around the bonfire talking

"It feels like time flew by so quick" Jungkook

"I agreed like we all graduated and now have great jobs and living our best lives" Jimin

"Like can you believe Jisoo unnie and Jin oppa are getting married next month" Jennie

"It all feels like a great journey" Jungkook

"And the best thing is we're all still together" Jimin

"And we will always be" Jennie

Jungkook looked at his phone screen to check the time
"Oh shoot, it's almost 12 am
It's Lisa and my 4 years of bearing with each other anniversary
I better go and surprise her with the plan that I made with help of you guys
Otherwise it's the last day of my life
Good night gotta go" saying this he practically ran to his room

"We should go to our rooms too it's getting late" Jimin

"Yeah and I bet time isn't the only reason for going to your room
But a certain blonde sure is" Jennie says as the crimson color a clearly visible at the guys face


I enter my bedroom of the place we were staying at

Currently we're all out for a holiday in Italy
Its December so it's really cold

Many things happened in these 5 years
We all graduated
Jungkook and Lisa got together
Jisoo unnie and Jin oppa are engaged

Rosè became a manager in a big marketing company
Jimin is a director in an entertainment company
Jin oppa is ceo of his own company
Jisoo unnie became a teacher
Jungkook became sales manager in a leading company
Lisa started her own dance school
Taehyung also became ceo
And I am a fashion designer

I moved in with Taehyung a year ago
Even though we fight sometimes at the end we both know that how much we love each other and can't stay away from each other

Opening the door I see that Taehyung is no where to be found here

Then my eyes fall on a note placed at my bedside
I pick it up to read

Let's meet at the terrace
Under the stars and the moonlight
Just you and me

Okay so he wants me to go to the hotel terrace
I wonder what is going on in his mind

Locking the hotel room door i head to the lift
Getting in press the button
After a few seconds the lift door opens with a ting

Stepping out
There was nothing but darkness

"Tae where are you ?" I say looking around as I can see nothing
"Tae" I repeat

Then suddenly all the lights turn on at once
Revealing the most beautiful setup

The whole terrace was decorated with lights, candles, flowers and balloons
In the center there was a beautiful open white tent with a table and two chairs set in it

"Wow" I say feeling the shortage of words in my vocabulary to describe how beautiful it is

There was no one here

Then I feel a tap on my shoulder
I turn around and see Taehyung standing there
He didn't let me speak as he said
I know I'm not the best for you
I'm always grumpy while your like sunshine
I'm careless while your the most caring person I've ever met
I'm imperfect while your perfect
But no matter how I am
I'll always protect you and burn anyone for you
No matter how much time passes
I love you and always will love you
We've been together for years now
And now I want to say that
I wanna be your's forever"

Then he takes a step back
And goes down on his one knee
While holding a open ring box in his hands
Which had the most beautiful blue diamond ring I've ever seen

Happy tears threatening to fall from my eyes

And then he spoke
"Will you marry me Jennie"

Not even thinking for a second I say
"Yes yes a hundred times yes"

I am literally jumping in happiness

He puts the ring in my finger and places a kiss a my hand

Then he stands up
I practically jump at him
Wrapping my arms around his neck
His arms snake around my waist
Holding me close to him

"I love you" I say whispering

"I love you more"

Then he locks his lips in mine

At that moement hundred of fireworks shoot in sky
Creating the most beautiful scenery ever

》》》》》 Wanna be your's ♡ 《《《《《

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