
744 35 2

"I really like you Jen, I really do
Please give me a chance
Please give us a chance"

I was taken aback the moement Mino said these words

He's a great friend,
But I don't like him in that way

We hear a noise comming from the other side
But there was no one there

"Jennie please say something"

"I- Listen Mino you're a really great friend but I've never seen you in any other way
You're a really nice person but I fear I can't, I can't give you a chance"

"It's because you like Taehyung, isn't it ?" he says slowly releasing my hands from his grip

I could only slowly nod as a response

"What's that he has but I don't ?
Is he really that better than me
That you're still choosing him over me, even after seeing the way he treats you"

"To be honest I don't even know
Everything about him
It's just the way he walks,
The way he talks,
The way he makes me feel inside
I've just fallen..... hard"

"I understand, maybe we're not meant to be
But I hope my confession won't ruin our friendship"

"I surely won't
And I sure you'll find some way better than me
Someone who will love you, the way you deserve to be"

"Soo...friends forever"
"Forever" I say and hug him


"Hey oppa" I say watching Taehyung oppa barging into the house
He looks furious

Not even responding to me he walks upstairs and slams his bedroom door

"Guess he's in a bad mood" Jin oppa says, he's sitting next to me as we were both watching Netflix
"Yeah" I respond

"Jin, Lisa come for dinner" Mom called us
"Comming Mom"

"Where's Taehyung ?" Dad asked
"In his room" Jin oppa

"Lisa why don't you go and call him" Mom
"I don't want to, he seemed really angry when he came home "

"Oh, did something happen ?" Dad
"There's always too much going on with him" I just shrugged and answered

"You three start eating, I'll go and check on him" Mom


After all that happened today I had decided to go to club and get a few drinks

The moement I return home I am not that drunk but I feel angry.....very angry,
To the point that I think that my veins are going to burst

I can hear Lisa call me but I just ignore her and walk over to my room

How could she....
I thought there was something between us
I thought that maybe after all this time we could be something....something more than friends

I was just laying on my bed when there was a knock at the door
"Whose there ?"
"It's me Tae" it was Mom
"Come in"

She entered and sat beside me
"What's wrong Tae ?" She asked gently placing her hand on my forehead and creasing my hair
"I'm you're mother, you can't lie to me"

"Have you ever loved someone for a long time without being sure about your feelings and the moement you get sure of your feelings you come to know that you've got too late"

"It's Jennie isn't it"

"How do you- ?"
"Trust me, Mumma knows everything" she responds smiling

"Do you really like her ?" Mom asked

"I do,
But it doesn't matter anymore
She's with someone else
It's over"

"It's not over Tae
It's not over until you tell her about your feelings
You never know what the other person wants
Never give up because if your feelings are really true and pure then no one can stop you from having your happy ending"


"Did she really do that ?"
"How can she do this to a guy like Taehyung"
"If he would've been my boyfriend I won't even look at any other guy"

I hear a group of girls talk as I walk through the corridor to my dorm

The stopped the moement they looked at me
I walked away trying my best to ignore them
It's best if I don't let words of anyone affect me

I thought I was strong
But I broke down the moement I closed the door

I knelt down leaning on the door frame and cried and cried
Thinking about everything
Why....why is this all happening to me
Why me....?

I can't take this
I can't anymore
I'm not that strong

I heard someone's footsteps so I quickly stand up and walk away from the door

It's probably someone from Jimin and Jungkook
I don't want to tell them
They have their sports event and I don't want to divert their focus
I don't want them to pity me rather than focusing on their competitions

"Hey Jen"
It was Jimin who just entered
I quickly wiped my tears and turned around to face him

"Hi Jimin, how did the practice go ?"
"It went well,
But I'm still very nervous about tomorrow's competition"
"Don't worry, you're the best swimmer in our university
You'll definitely win"

"I don't know, there are many talented swimmers comming from different universities
I'm not that confident that I'll win
Maybe atleast I'll manage to get a position if I'll be lucky enough"

"Be positive Jimin everything will be perfect and you'll surely win"

"Yeah Jimin you're the last person who needs to worry" says Jungkook entering the dorm

"Where have you been ?
Didn't your practice end hours ago ?"

"The basketball team decided to go for dinner,
Everyone was there except Taehyung
We asked him if he would like to join us
But he said that he would prefer to hangout with the nerds over us" Jungkook said removing his shoes and throwing them somewhere around

"Have you eaten dinner ?" Jimin asked
I nodded in response, even though it was a lie
I have no mood to eat neither do I feel hungry

All I want to do is plop myself on my bed and dream away from this world
And that's exactly what I do

So this was end of this chapter
Hope you all like it
Please ignore any mistakes
I don't own any of the pics above credit to the owners
Next chapter comming soon.....
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