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"So Jennie, I heard you'll be performing at the university's charity event" Mrs Kim aka Taehyung's mother said as I was seated at their dining table to have lunch along with Taehyung's family

There were Lisa, Mrs Kim, Jin oppa and Taehyung
Mr Kim isn't here he's probably out for work

"Yes, I along with the music club will be opening the event" I said with a smile

"I heard from Rosè that you're a great singer" Mrs Kim

"Oh she sure is, since the day Rosè joined the music club she can't stop talking about her Jennie unnie " Lisa says to Mrs Kim

"By the way, what do your parents do?" Mrs Kim asked

It's a simple question many ask me
But it's also the question I hate answering the most

I just stared down at my plate
Hesitating to answer

Then from under the table Taehyung placed his hand over mine
He must have noticed the sudden change in my behavior


Mom just asked Jennie about her family
Honestly I don't even know anything about her family

She stared down at her plate

I guess she doesn't want to talk about her family

I know she isn't that well off financially
Is this the reason she doesn't want to answer ?

I was sitting beside her
I noticed she was almost getting uncomfortable with the conversation that was going on
I place a reassuring hand over her palm which was under the table

I whispered "you don't need to answer, if you don't want to "
"It's ok " she whispered back

Then she looked at mom and answered
"I don't have a family,
My parents died in a car crash when I was two
I grew up with my grandmother
But she also passed away four years ago
Since then I've been on my own "

I looked at her
Her face didn't show any trace of sadness,
But her eyes

Her eyes are like an open book, showing every emotion she's trying so hard to hide

If her face is showing 'I am ok'
Her eyes are speaking 'I'm not fine'

It felt like my hand has a brain of its own as my fingers automatically intertwine with her's


Cycling my way back from Taehyung's house
Many thoughts surround my mind
While the light breeze hits my face
Blowing my brown, long, wavy hair back

While my brain keeps on replaying all the moement of the day on repeat

Since when did Taehyung and I got so comfortable with each other ?

Since when did his reassuring grip on my hand made me feel so calm and relaxed ?

Why did his fingers intertwining with mine gave me butterflies ?

There were many questions in my mind
But in answer my heart showed me an image of a certain guy with a boxy smile
Who i never knew affected me so much

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