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The next morning I enter the bus along with Jungkook and Jimin

All the second years were in this bus

I sit with Jimin and Jungkook

Mino enters the bus
And comes toward me "Good morning Jennie" he greets me with a smile
"Morning Mino " I say smiling back

"Jen can you lend me your notes as I....." Mino continued speaking, but I wasn't listening as my attention was diverted to the guy who just entered the bus along with his friends

I looked at him and smiled
Taehyung also looked at me but then looked at Mino
He didn't even smile at me,
He just walked by and sat with his friends in the last row

"Jennie.... are you listening " says Minho breaking the trail of my thoughts
"Ye-yeah I'll give you my notes"


After a long bus ride of three hours we finally reach the camp side

All the students gathered as Mrs Min speaks
"Welcome to the camp side students
As you all are aware we'll be staying here for a total of five days
Now I'll be assigning you all tents
Each tent has the capacity of eight students
While making the list I tried to keep the friends and siblings together"

Right now Mrs Min was assigning the tents
Then she spoke "Rosè, Lisa, Taehyung, Jin, Jisoo, Jimin, Jungkook and Jennie in tent number 9"

I'm glad that Jimin and Jungkook are in the same tent as me
And also Taehyung

I enter in our tent
The tent is big and spacious
There were eight sleeping begs layed down

I placed my bags at the side

"Kookie I'm going out for a little walk " I say as he nods

I was just walking around,
Most students were inside their tents
So there wasn't many of them outside
Which gave me the peaceful environment I really needed

I was confused
Really confused regarding my feelings for Taehyung
Whenever he's around I feel......
Something I can't quite understand
He gives me butterflies
Makes me angry but also happy
Annoys me most of the time
I've also noticed his protective and jealous side in the past few days

Do I...
No not possible

I don't love him
Or maybe I do


Right now we're all sitting around the bonfire roasting marshmallows

We're all sitting on logs which are cut into smaller pieces
I am sitting with Jungkook and Jimin is sitting with Rosè
Jin oppa and Jisoo unnie are also sitting together
And Lisa is sitting alone on one log

I wonder where Taehyung is

After five minutes Taehyung also comes and takes the seat beside Lisa

"Jen can you please pass this to Taehyung " Jisoo unnie says giving me the bag of marshmallows as Taehyung is sitting on the log near to me

I take the bag from unnie and pass it to Taehyung
And this rude fucker doesn't even say thank you
"Jerk " I mumble under my breath

Then I look at Jungkook whose marshmallow is almost black

"Kookie i think you shouldn't be keeping your marshmallow over the fire for this long"

"You already know, I like them extra done"

"Remember when you had lit you're marshmallow on fire the last time, and had almost burned my hair and Jennie's dress " Jimin says recalling the memory when the three of them had went for camping

"What, how's that even possible ? " Jin oppa

"With him everything is possible " I say ruffling his hair

"Yeah, I'm special" Jungkook

"Jennie wasn't praising you " says Jimin rolling his eyes

I noticed that Lisa was glancing at Kookie


It was around 1 am
Everyone else is probably sleeping

I had been sitting here outside
Enjoying the gentle breeze from the past half hour

I enter the tent
It was dark as everyone was already asleep
I turned on the flash light of my phone

They were all in their sleeping bags

Their positions -

Rosè                                      Lisa

Jimin                                     empty sleeping bag

Jin                                         Jennie

Jisoo                                    Jungkook

I guess that's where I'm sleeping then

I got in my sleeping bag, closed my eyes
And drifted to sleep

The next morning I opeaned my eyes and felt a pair of arms wrapped around me

I rubbed my eyes to see clearly, it was Jennie
Who was literally out of her sleeping bag
Her arms were around me and she had buried her face in my neck

I looked around Jin oppa wasn't in the tent
Jisoo nonna was standing there sipping her coffee "Morning" she said with a teasing smirk plastered all over her face and then she leaves the tent
Rest everyone else was still asleep

I looked at Jennie who is all cuddled up with me

She looks so cute and adorable while sleeping so soundlessly
I notice her cat eyes
And dumpling like fluffy cheeks
Her clear and smooth skin

I don't know why but seeing her talk so comfortably with that Mino who just joined like a day ago
Makes my blood boil

When I look at her, there's only one thought that is comming in my mind

I want her, just for myself

She slowly starts to open her eyes

"Good morning love" I whisper in her ear

"Goodmor- wait, what the hell" she says realizing that she's hugging me and quickly removes her arms from around me

"I didn't knew you have a habit of cuddling with people in you're sleep" I say teasing her
I could clearly see her cheeks heating up in embarrassment
She looks so cute, just like a kid

"Love, do you have any other sleeping habits that I should be prepared for " I say
And wink at her

"Yahhh!!!, Shut up ! " she says hitting my face with her teddy bear

She really is seven

So this was end of this chapter

Hope you all like it
Please ignore any mistakes
I don't own any of the pics above credit to the owners
Next chapter comming soon.....
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