
816 45 11

It's currently 12:30 pm
I park my cycle
The guard lets me in

"Morning Jennie " Jin oppa
Oppa, is Taehyung in the library ?"
"I don't think so, I'm pretty sure he's in his bedroom
Its on the 1st floor to the right and it has a black door "Jin oppa
"Thanks "

While looking for his room I finally find the one with a black door
The other doors were either brown or white, his was the only black one
It matches his personality...'dark'

I go ahead and knock on the door
"Come in "
I push the handle to open the door

I was practically amazed seeing his room
It was spacious....very spacious, probably like five dorm rooms combined
And his room matched the door....black with a hint of red and white here and there

And there he was sitting on his bed, too busy looking at his phone
He probably didn't even notice that it was me who knocked on the door

I fake coughed to get his attention
He looked up from his phone "Oh hey love you're here "
I rolled my eyes at the nick name he's given me, just to piss me off

"We're working on the project here ?"
"Yeah is there anything wrong with my room"
"Thats not what I meant"

"By the way, where are the others?" I ask him
"I didn't call them" he simply replies

"Huh, but why?"
"I noticed that you were the only one who was actually doing some work whereas the others were just wasting time and disturbing "

"Then you should've told me, I would've completed it from my dorm itself
Its not like you do anything " I say

"There has to be someone to see if you're doing the work properly " Taehyung

"As if you have any knowledge about this work " I say sarcastically

"Whatever "

"So it's just us two " I say

"It's just you & me "


"You know Taehyung it would be really nice if you would actually help me rather than scrolling through you're insta feed " I say
It's been around half hour since I've started working
Whereas he's just sitting with eyes glued at his phone

"Ok fineee....tell me what to do "
"Just type this and create a folder of these slides " I say instructing the work

I was sitting besides him on his bed with my laptop at front of me
While working he started a conversation
"So how's you're practice going for the event ? " He says

"Its going really well so far"

"By the way, I didn't knew you were interested in taking part in auctions" I say looking at him

He brings his face close to me, very close
Soo close that I could feel him breathing
And says "I have many other interests too" in his ocean deep voice

I swear my brain stopped functioning
But realizing the closeness between us right now i moved my head back
And then he also pulled his head back and returned to the work without saying anything

After a few minutes I check the time its 2 pm and I'm starving
"Taehyung" I called him
"Hmm" he replies
"Do you have some kind of snacks, I'm hungry "

He looks up from his laptop screen, then smiles at me
"Sure I'll ask the maid to bring us some food, I'm sure you need energy to keep that blabbering up "

"Heyy" I say and throw a pillow at his face

He also grabs a pillow and throws it at me but, I catch it before it hits me
Then stick my tongue out to tease him

He stands up
Then takes the other pillow and was about to throw it at me but somehow loses his balance

And falls on the bed
Right on top of me

His eyes staring deeply into mine
Our lips so close that they would touch if we even move a centimeter close to each other

Before any of us does or says something

"Oppa mom is saying she needs you down for lunch and also you're friend " Lisa says opening the door

Then looks at us with a very surprised reaction

"Oh God, I'm so sorry
I'll take my leave, you guys continue with you're......very questionable project work....I guess"
She says and quickly closes the door

Then from outside says "next time atleast lock the door, oh my poor innocent eyes"

Somehow this makes us break into laughter
With him still on top of me

When he gets up I felt the warmth go away
Which didn't fell nice

"Don't mind Lisa she's a bit....." Taehyung

"Adorable" I say

"I was about to say crazy and annoying but I guess that works too " he says still laughing

I feel like I cannot get enough of his laugh.....enough of him

So this was end of this chapter
Hope you all like it
Please ignore any mistakes
I don't own any of the pics above credit to the owners
Next chapter comming soon.......
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