Special chapter ♡

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5 years later

"Hey...stop running
Daddy's gonna catch you" Taehyung says running behind his fifteen month old daughter, who just learned to take a few steps
Pretending like he is finding it really hard to catch her

( We are just going to call their daughter Nini )

But then he catches Nini in his arms
And pulls her up
As the little one laughs being all giggly
Taehyung tosses her in the air slightly
And catches her back in his arms

"Tae, how many times have I told you to not do that
I swear you are going to give me a heart attack one day" says Jennie as she walked in the front door

"Isn't your mommy too strict" says Taehyung cutely bobbing his nose with Nini's as the little one shakes her head as if she clearly understood what her dad said

"Glad you are back
Our princess can be real hard to manage sometimes" saying this Taehyung places Nini in her crib

Jennie just returned back from Jungkook and Lisa's house
Lisa is eight months pregnant and needed some advice and help from Jennie as it is her first time and our Jen has already experienced this once

Walking over to Jennie
He wraps his arms around her
Taking her in his warm and cozy embrace and places a kiss on her lips

"How's Lisa ?" he questions
"Excited, nervous and also afraid
She is scared to go in labor
Worrying about how much it will hurt
I reassured her that it will hurt a bit but will all be worth it in the end
Chaeyoung also explained her
Ah and from that I remembered that Rosie and I will be going to the mall tomorrow and you and Jimin will be taking care of the girls" Jennie said as Taehyung nodded

She said girls reffering to Nini and Chaehee, the fourteen month old of Jimin and Rosè
Chaehee and Nini are literally best friends
Mostly due to the short age gap

Taehyung and Jennie prefer to be with Nini as much as they can
Rather than leaving her with babysitter
Taehyung is mostly busy at work while Jennie has her office at home
Even though Taehyung said that she doesn't need to work
But she genuinely enjoys designing so she continues her work

"But honestly saying, it has been actually more difficult for Jungkook so far" Jennie says burying her head in his chest
Taking in his scent
That she has always loved

Pregnant women have some serious mood swings
That we have to deal with" Taehyung said smiling as he remembered the memories from when Jennie was pregnant with their Nini

And Jennie cannot disagree
As she did give Taehyung a very hard time
Specially due to her 3:00 am food requests
And the one, no wait....more than one times she had kicked Taehyung out
Because they didn't agree on something or because he bought her the wrong flavored ice-cream
Because he couldn't find her favorite milk ice-cream anywhere

But Taehyung didn't mind any of it
Nor did ever got angry or frustrated at Jennie due her constant change in mood due to pregnancy
He can really do and go through anything for Jennie and their daughter
Taehyung really did change alot in the past few years
He didn't only grew up age wise but also became mentally mature
All thanks to Jennie

Jennie only devilishly grinned recalling all the memories

Nini let out a little cry dramatically
Most probably due to the lack of attention
As she noticed that her Momma and Dadda were too indulged into each other
Forgetting the presence of their little princess

Jennie went ahead and picked up Nini in her arms while Taehyung stroked her hair back
As Nini quickly calmed down

"She definitely got this trait of over acting from her dad" Jennie said, eye smiling at Taehyung
Nini scrunched up her nose as if she just got offended listening this

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