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"'Jennieya can you help me here ? " Jisoo unnie called me

In our camp the students are the only one who volunteer to cook
And today I also decided to help with cooking
Jisoo unnie is also here
She helps in cooking everyday

"Sure unnie " I say walking to her

"Can you cut these ?" she said pointing to the vegetables on the counter

"So Jennie, what do you think about Taehyung" she asked while chopping vegetables with me
"Huh ?" I say looking up at her

"No need to hide it from me, I see the way you look at him "

"It's not like that, I.....just don't know" I say sighing

"He knows" then she puts her hand over mine "he loves you"

"He does ?"

"Yes, he hundred percent does
The way he looks at you
The way he gets jealous when some other guy is around you
The way he calls you love, he may have started calling you this in a teasing way but it isn't only a way to annoy you anymore
I have seen how he genuinely cares for you"

"Take your time and think about it " she said before picking the bowl of chopped up veggies and walking to the stove

Does he really love me ?........


"Lisa is pretty, isn't she" I whisper to Jungkook

We're all having our dinner right now

"I mean she is pretty, but why are you asking me this ?" he replies

"No reason, I just wanted to know "

"For what ? "

"Research purpose " I say shoving a spoon full of rice in his mouth

"Wait if you're thinking to set me up with her or something, please don't
I don't like her in that way
She's pretty but I know nothing else about her and neither I feel anything for her "

"Yet" I said under my breath

"Did you say something ?"

"Nope nothing at all"

While eating I got a call
I looked up at the username, it was our principal
It's weird, she has never called me before

"Excuse me, I have to take this" I say excusing myself and getting up from the table

I walk away so that the voices of the other students won't disturb me

"Good evening mam" I say answering the call

"Good evening Jennie, I'm sorry to disturb you"

"There's no need for sorry, it's completely fine"

"Jennie we've all seen you and the music club perform multiple times and we have always loved it,
And you're strong and melodious vocals really stand out 
So as you would be aware our sports event is this being held this Tuesday and Wednesday
In which our students will be going against students from other universities "

"Yes mam, I'm aware"

"We'll be having the price distribution on Thursday
And I need you to perform a solo song for the audience"

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