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"I would really like to get drunk right now to celebrate your win, but I can't due to my basketball match tomorrow" says Jungkook to Jimin as the three of us enter our dorm
"We'll celebrate tomorrow when your team also wins" Jimin
I just sat down on my bed watching the two

Both of them continued with their conversation as I leaned back to lay on my bed with a sigh
And then closed my eyes

I opeaned my eyes after a minute
And saw both Jimin and Jungkook sitting at each side of mine

"Do you actually think that we're not going to notice your odd behavior ?" Jimin said caressing my hair
"And did you actually thought I didn't notice your messed up hair and swelled eyes ?" Jungkook
"Jenniya we're best friends, we've always treated you like our family, both of us
Don't hide your pain from us" Jimin

And I never knew sharing all my pain and sorrows with the right people would feel so good.....


The next morning I wake up with a smile on my face
Hoping this new day would bring new changes and new reasons for making me smile

I get up from my bed and hop in the warm shower
Opening my closet, I grab a red oversized t-shirt and denim shorts
After getting dressed I straighten my hair and put a little bit of makeup on

Today is the second and last day of the sports tournament
Which means today is the basketball competition
To be honest I really don't want to attend the match
Because the vise captain of team aka Taehyung is going to be there
But I also cannot miss it as Jungkook is also part of the team

Getting all my mind and strength together I walk out of my dorm

The basketball competition is at 11:30 am and currently it is 9 am
I head to the auditorium for a run-through practice for tomorrow's award show
I'm really nervous and excited at the same time for my tomorrow's performance
Hopefully anything won't go wrong
Fingers crossed !


At 11:15 I head to the basketball court
I take a seat at back
So that I'm not too easy for Taehyung to get eyes on

"Hey, mind if I sit here ?" I look at my side to see who it was
"Hey Ben, you can surely sit here" I say picking my bag which I had placed at seat next to me

"It's been long time since I last saw you" I say
"That's probably because I didn't attend the trip " Ben
"Oh, but why so ?" I ask
"Camping is really not my thing and plus the group of bullies was going,
So it really gave me some much needed peace" he said smiling

Soon the match started
Our team was doing really well

"Honestly, I didn't think you would attend today's match" Ben
"Huh, why ?" I ask confused
"Don't know if it's true or not but I heard the rumors
And according to those rumors your attending your ex boyfriend's competition" Ben

I sigh loudly and say,
"It's not true
Taehyung is not my ex
And neither am I dating Mino
It's all just a false rumor started by Kai"

"But why would Kai start such a rumor" Ben
"I guess to complicate my situation even more" I say

"You love Taehyung right ?" Ben
"How do you-"
"Jennie your talking to me but your eyes are stuck at him
And I also notice the huge grin that came at your face the moment he shot the ball into the hoop"
"Why am I this obvious ?"
"True love can never be hidden"

I can't to do this anymore
Why can't I be happy like Jin oppa and Jisoo unnie
Why can't I have those cute moments like Jimin and Rosè
Why can't I have all the cute teasing like Jungkook and Lisa have started to have
Why ?
Just Why ?
Am I not lovable?

"Jennie where are you going ?" Ben says watching me get up from my seat
"I remembered something really important" I say exiting from there

Sorry Jungkook but I really can't watch your match right now
All I want to do is wrap myself in my blanket and sleep,
While hoping that I never wake up


"Yessss we fucking won" I say shouting, while gathering with all my team mates for a group hug
It was a really close match but at the end we won
Everyone was cheering

My eyes went to seat where I saw Jennie sitting a few minutes ago
But she's not here anymore

While everyone was congratulating us, I saw my little sister Lisa running towards me for a hug,
Atleast I thought so
Because she just ran past me, all the way to where Jungkook was standing and giving him a tight hug

"See i told you, that you'll definitely win" Lisa to Jungkook
Jungkook looked quite surprised at first but then returned the hug with a fond smile
Love really looks good on my sister

"Congrats oppa" she said hugging me
"Oh now you remembered about your brother's existence"
She just responded with a shy smile

"Congrats you played really well" I said to Jungkook who was talking to Jimin
He just looked at me and nodded with a straight face
While Jimin rolled his eyes at me
Honestly I'm not at all surprised with their this behavior with me

After about half an hour later here I am in the boy's locker room
I just took a shower and changed
I was the only one here
I sat on a chair and was putting on my shoes
When someone came and said "Congrats your a wonderful player" I'm not that familiar with this guy, but I think his name is Ben
"Thanks bro"

"Mind if I sit ?" he said motioning to the chair next to mine
"Why not, ofcourese you can "
"I won't take alot of your time
But there are just some things I wanted to say" Ben
"Sure go ahead"

"Listen, sometimes the things aren't really the way they seem to be" Ben
"What do you mean ?" I asked getting confused

"Ok, comming straight to the point
I'm talking about Jennie
She really likes you or should I say loves you
And your this behavior towards her is doing nothing but hurting her" Ben

"She's with Mino"

"No She's not
There's a thing called misunderstanding Taehyung
She's not with Mino
Whatever you saw that night was nothing
There's nothing between them" Ben says as I remain quiet

He looks at my quiet and expression less face and continues
"And as if you were not enough to mentally disturb her,
Kai is creating false rumors
Because of Kai almost everyone thinks
That Jennie cheated on you with Mino
While the truth is that you and Jennie were never together
And Jennie and Mino are not a thing"

"Taehyung please don't hurt her like this
She's a really nice girl and you know that better than me
She loves you
And I know that you love her too" Ben

So this was end of this chapter
Hope you all like it
Please ignore any mistakes
I don't own any of the pics above credit to the owners
Next chapter comming soon
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