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"Soo...how did it go" I ask Jimin
"I was good " he replied
"Oh common we want details " Jungkook

It was almost 11pm, it is necessary to return to our dorms before the gate closes at 11:30pm
Jimin just came back so Jungkook and I were ready to get the tea

"I mean she's really hot and feisty but I just didn't fell the connection
I think I would like someone more on the cute and bubbly side someone who would love me, the real love, someone like...." Jimin

Then their was a knock on our door Jimin got up to answer it
He opened the door "Her"

Jungkook and I looked at each other when Jimin said it to the girl in front of him

It was Rosè standing there with a few papers in her hand, wearing her pink silk pajamas and her hair were in form of two pigtails

"Huh?" She replied being confused to what Jimin said
"Oh nothing I was just thinking about something else" Jimin

Jimin was just standing there at the door not even moving just looking at Rosè
I sensed from her expression that she was feeling awkward
So I stepped in

"Hey Rosè" I say going to the door and pushing Jimin to side
"Hi unnie, hope I haven't disturbed you "
"Nope you haven't, you're welcome anytime "

"Tomorrow we need to talk to one of our seniors who will be anchoring
He will inform us the final time, our position in performance list and some more important things " She says giving me a few pages she was holding, which consisted of a few things regarding the list
"Ok, rest of the members don't need to go tomorrow, only we both will go " I say
She nods in agreement

"Do you know this seniors of ours?, I'm not much familiar with him "
"Yeah, he is Namjoon the president of literary club, he's in his third year
He is the one who does anchoring I most of our university events " I reply to her
"Ohhh "
"So see you at 4 tomorrow " I say as she nods

"Goodnight" she says and takes her leave

I close the door and turn around "Sooo what was that "
"What was what ?" Jimin

"You were saying 'someone like' then stopped mid sentence to open the door then you looked at her and completed your sentence by saying 'her' " Jungkook
"Plus you were starting at her like a hog" I say

"It just slipped out of my mouth the moment I saw her
I don't know why, she just....matched my description...I guess" Jimin

"So you're saying Rosè is you're type" I say
"Oooo someone has a crush " Jungkook

"Hey stop,
I don't even know her, it was just... " Jimin

"Love at first sight " I say

"Gonna make her mine " jungkook

"I want to marry her"

"Have kids with her"

"Grow old together"

"What is seriously wrong with you two " Jimin says face palming


I am currently here in my history classroom there are still about 10 minuets in the class to start so I just rest my head on table waiting for our teacher to arrive

"You know it's not good to sleep in classroom, where are you're manners Ms Jennie "

"Oh shut up " I say knowing very well to whom this voice belongs

"I'm pretty sure that you can make me shut up within a second with you're lips on mine " Taehyung
I lift my head up just to glare at him

"By the way why are you sitting here and not with you're friends " I ask him

"Last I remember you don't own this seat I'm sitting on
So no more questions because I won't even hesitate to shut you up " he says finishing with a wink

I swear my heart skipped a beat


I enter the auditorium along with Rosè

We spotted Namjoon talking to Lisa and Hoseok popularity know as J hope
He's the president of dance club, he's also in his third year

"I was waiting for you " Namjoon says extending his hand for a handshake
I take is hand and also greet the other two in the room

Lisa and Rosè had started talking the moment they saw each other but focused when Namjoon said "so lets discuss our final layout "

"All the guests are requested to be seated by 10:45 so that the event can be started on sharp 11am
I'll start with basic information which will take 5 minutes
Then I'll introduce music club, you guys are given 4 minutes to perform and 1 minute to take your entrance and exit
After you're exit I will introduce the dance club " Namjoon

After that we go over other details too


"Here you go " I say giving Jungkook my water bottle as he was standing there panting after his basketball practice

"Where did you just appear from ? " he says taking the bottle

"I was returning from auditorium and saw you here looking like you're about to pass out " I say wiping sweat from is forehead using my handkerchief

"Is it just me or is Taehyung really sending daggers my way seeing you wipe sweat from my face" he says with a smirk

I turn around a bit just to confirm what he just said
And Taehyung was really glaring at Jungkook looking as he wants to shoot him

"What's wrong with him?" I say
"I don't know but, I can surely smell something burning " he says returning me my bottle the smirk still not leaving his face

"Kookie are you thinking what I'm thinking ?" I ask him
"Yeah he's definitely jealous " Jungkook
"What? I was talking about them " Jennie

"Who?" He asks
I make him look to his left where Yoongi and Naeyon were talking
"Aren't they cute " I say

"Yeah...I guess" Jungkook
"And where did the jealous part even came from " I ask him remembering what he said a minute ago



Tomorrow is Saturday which means no classes
Finally the weekend is here
I lay in my bed happy about the thought of waking up late tomorrow

But then remember I have to go to Taehyung's place for our project......

So this was end of this chapter
Hope you all like it
Please ignore any mistakes
I dont own any of the pics above credit to the owners
Next chapter comming soon......
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