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I just walk, pushing my way through the crowd of girls who were ogling the shirtless guys playing volleyball

Like what is even interesting in watching half naked men throwing a ball around

I spotted Rosè who was glaring the girls who were starting at Jimin
And Lisa who couldn't remove her eyes off Jungkook
I just face palm watching them simp

I'm not surprised seeing the abs of both of them
They both literally sleep shirtless
And neither am I interested in them

Then a girl near me shouted "You're so fucking hot Taehyung "
And she wasn't the only girl who was drooling over him
There were many of them

Taehyung has always been popular among girls
And him being son of a literall billionaire and future ceo of a company worth billions, only made him even more popular

My eyes fell on the guy who just smirked at all the girls who were chanting his name, like he's their God

I just rolled my eyes at him and his fangirls

But I'll have to say he really is very handsome
The way his face shines under the sun rays
And his sweat covered abs which made him look hotter than ever
I had to blink twice to focus

While I was deep in my thoughts everyone started shouting
I came out of my day dream
And saw that Taehyung's team has won

He started walking towards me "like what you see"
And that's when I realized that I was staring at him for the past, I don't even know for how long

"Was enjoying staring " he said walking even close and closing the gap between us completely
"I wasn't staring" I said turning around to hide my face,
Which was red in embarrassment

"It's ok love you can stare as long as you want,
I'm all yours" he said putting his arm around me

"First off in not interested in staring at you and secondly remove your arm" I said removing his arm and walking away from there
Because I noticed how almost everyone was looking at us and I don't want to create any rumor
His fangirls can seriously be dangerous sometimes

I walked inside my tent and saw Mino there
"Hi Mino, what are you doing here ?"
"I came to talk to you, but saw that you weren't here so was about to leave
But I'm glad you returned before I left"

"Yeah our conversation was interrupted that day so just wanted to catch up with you on all these years "
"Yeah sure, let's sit down first"


I entered the tent and saw Jennie talking to that Mino while laughing loudly

Then he placed his hand on her shoulder and she didn't even remove it
But when I did the same she just pushed my arm away

My fists clenched and at the moment I wanted nothing more than beating the life out of that guy

But controlling my rage I walked inside the tent
Without looking or talking to any off them I just opened my suitcase to take a t-shirt

"Hey Tae why don't you join us" she said seeing me exit the tent after taking the t-shirt

"No thanks I have no intention to disturb the love birds"

"What the-" I heard Jennie mumble before I left the tent


I placed my tray at the table and was about to sit at the table along with everyone else

"Are you sure you want to sit here" Taehyung

"What do you mean ?"

"I mean I'm sure you would prefer someone else's company way more right now
Won't you ?"

"Can you just stop it Kim Taehyung,
What seriously even is you're problem" I say being frustrated by his behavior

"Why would I even have a problem with you,
It's not like you are anyone to me"

"What is wrong guys ?" Jin oppa

"Please calm down you two" Jimin

Ignoring all the voices around me I looked at Taehyung
"Yeah actually I would really like to be with someone else right now,
With a person to whom I would actually be someone that matters" I shout, trying to control my tears from falling

"Then what are you even fucking doing here then" he said shouting back at me, smashing his fist at the table, making everyone around flinch

I ran out of the dining area, tears flowing down my cheeks
Everyone was probably staring at me, but I didn't care
I just kept on running

"I hate him, I fucking hate him" I cry leaning against a tree

What even is his problem
How can he shout at me in front of everyone
I can't understand him, one moment he's so nice with me and then he's shouting at me
Why does he have a problem with talking to Mino

'It's not like you're anyone to me' his words revolve around in my head

One moement he makes me fall in love with him and then make me hate him more than anything

I sat there leaning my back against the tree

"Jen" it was Jimin and Jungkook was also there
They both sat beside me
But didn't speak anything, it's like they both know how I don't want to answer any questions

I leaned my head at Jimin's shoulder
I don't know for how long we sat there before I closed my eyes and fell into deep slumber

Then next morning when I woke up I was all tucked in my sleeping bag
I looked around and saw Jungkook sitting beside me "Good morning"

"What time is it?"
"It's 11:30am"
"Oh, I slept for really long"
"It's okay Jen"

"Where's everyone else ?"
"The three girls are sitting outside, doing each other's nails
Jimin and Jin hyung are playing badminton"

"And what about Taehyung ?" I ask
"I don't know and neither do I care"

"Kookie I think......."
"You think what ?"
"I- ithinkmaybeiliketaehyung"
"Can you please speak slow"

"I think maybe I like Taehyung"

So this was end of this chapter
Hope you all like it
Please ignore any mistakes
I don't own any of the pics above credit to the owners
Next chapter comming soon.....
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