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"I've already said it, don't make me repeat Kookie"

"Do you really like him ?"
"I don't know, I really don't...it's all so messed up
Specially after what happened yesterday
I don't know what to do" I say, tears falling down my cheeks

"Don't cry Jen, you'll figure it all out" Jungkook says hugging me
"What if I don't figure it out ?"

"You will, trust me
You're very strong and intelligent Jen
Yes it might be a bit complicated, but in the end you'll take the right decision
I'll be there with you, no matter what decision you make" he says placing a light peck on my forehead

"Thanks Kookie"

"Ok, so now no more crying
We'll be leaving tomorrow, which means today is our last day here
So let's have fun" he says wiping my tears

"Now stand up" he said pulling me up "Get ready and then we'll go for a nice walk and take pics, ok" he says as I nod


"Heyyyy, that's not how you tie a knot" Jimin

"But it's a cute bow" Rosè
"But it's not sterdy, I'll tye it for you" Jimin said walking over to Rosè

We're here outside in the forest and are making wood swings to tie on tress

"Look mine's all ready" Jisoo unnie
"Wait I'll help you sit on it" Jin oppa says and makes unnie sit on the swing comfortably

I also sit on my swing

My eyes land on Lisa who was also sitting on her swing,
But her swing was tied higher than other swings
So it was difficult for her to swing

I think Jungkook noticed it too,
As he walked over to her and said "let me help you"
Lisa looked up at him and nodded while smiling

I wonder where is Taehyung right now

I get up from the swing and start walking towards my tent
I don't know why but I really wasn't having fun, I just felt very.....incomplete

On my way I tripped on a rock and was about to fall
I closed my eyes
But two arms classped around me, preventing me from falling
For a moment I thought it was Taehyung, but then I opeaned my eyes
And saw that it was Mino

"Thanks" I said moving away from his grip
"You're welcome and I'm sorry about what happened yesterday"
"Oh don't worry, that wasn't anything serious"

"Yeah but he created a scene, which was very wrong of him
That guy thinks he can do anything because he's rich" Mino
"It's not like that"
"Trust me it is"
"You don't need to worry about it, everything is alright" I say walking away from there

I spot Taehyung sitting with his friends Wooshik and Seo-joon

He looks at me too
But then looks away the moement he sees me, like he isn't even aware of my existence
I sigh and walk past there

'It's not like you are anyone to me' his words still not leaving me

I enter the tent and open my bag to grab my novel
I'm currently reading 'The Love Hypothesis'

I exit the tent and sit under the shade of a nearby tree
While reading a beautiful flower from the tree fall at the book page
I pick the flower and put it in my hair
I lean by sighing and thinking about everything and everyone

"Jen, what happened you left without saying something
Is the last night's incident still bothering you ?" It was Jimin who came and sat at front of me
"No" I say looking down

"You like him don't you" Jimin said gesturing to Taehyung
"Wait ho- how do you know ?"

"I can see the way you look at him, the way you smile when you're with him and how you secretly try not to blush every time he calls you love"

"Am I really that obvious"
"I'm you're best friend Jen,
Ofcourse I'll notice you falling for someone"

"And you know what"
"What ?"
"I know he really loves you to" he says
I look up at him "Does he really ?"
Jimin only nods in response


It's the next morning
We all have already taken our breakfast
And are currently packing, so that we can leave in one hour

Everyone had already left the tent with their bags
I was the only one left
After packing I also grab my bag

But somehow one of the wheel on my bag breaks
Oh God now I'll have to carry this bag
I pick the bag, why the fuck is it soo heavy
Ugh I can't carry this
But putting all my strength to work, I start walking carrying my bag
After a few steps I place the bag down, panting
I'm never going to pack this much ever again

As I was about to pick my bag again
But someone else picks it up for me
I look at the person,
It is Taehyung

"You don't need to do this, I can carry it on my own" I say, trying to take my bag back from his hold
"Yeah I clearly saw how easily you were carrying your bag" he says not even sparing a look at me

"What is your problem Taehyung, first you shout at me in front of everyone and now you're trying to help me" I say trying to hold my tears

"Can you just shut up, I'm helping you and if you can't thank me then atleast stay quiet" he said finally looking at me

"I didn't ask for your help, so get away and get lost
I don't even want to look at you " I say

"Then why are my words affecting you so much, if you don't want to even look at me" he says placing my bag down

He starts to walk towards me
I walk back
But he keeps on stepping closer and closer to me
Until my back hits a tree bark
He grabs my chin to make me look up at him

"Why are you doing this ?" I say tears finally falling down my eyes
But he stays quiet

He grips my waist tightly,
That it actually hurts

"I'm not even anyone to you"

Before he says anything there was a voice calling him
"Taehyung where are you ?" from the voice I'm pretty sure it's Wooshik

He releases the hold of my waist
And walks away after picking my bag and walking over to the bus

I make sure to wipe my tears before stepping in the bus
I spot Taehyung looking out the window
I go and quietly sit beside Jimin and Jungkook

So this was end of this chapter
Hope you all like it
Please ignore any mistakes
I don't own any of the pics above credit to the owners
Next chapter comming soon......
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