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A/N: Hi guys! So throughout the story I'm going to mention songs. It's up to you but I recommend listening to the songs to get a feel for the scene.


The crowded hallways undulate around me, making room for me and my crew as we saunter through the school, the undisputed rulers of this shit-hole. Saying 'crew' may sound like some cheesy 80's terminology or whatever, but there's no other word to describe them. I guess most people would call the guys they spend all their time with their 'friends,' but that word doesn't sit right with me. Being someone's friend involves attachment that I don't want. It is convenient to have people to hang out with, that is all. Call me heartless, call me cruel, but I stick by my decision to not rely on anyone or care about anyone ever again. It only brings pain when they inevitably leave you behind.

We stop at my locker so I can get my books for class. Jean leans up against the lockers, arms crossed and eyes shut. We were out late last night and I don't blame him for getting what sleep he can before school starts. Reiner and Bertolt stand beside me. Reiner is the biggest guy at the school and if he had the inclination, he could probably be quarterback of the football team. I know he used to play freshman year but the more time he spent around me, the less involved he became with school activities. I think he sees himself in a big brother role, not just to me but to Jean and Bert as well. It's too bad he isn't pursuing his talents, but at the same time, I'm grateful he was there for me when I needed him most. If I'm considered the leader of our group, Reiner is the level-headed big brother, and Jean is the horse-faced friend who likes to start trouble for the hee-haws, then Bert is the geeky quiet kid that seems unassuming but is usually the mastermind behind our weekend activities.

"Are you almost done, fuck-face? How long does it take to get some books?" Jean complains.

"Hold your horses - or yourself, I guess," I reply, zipping up my backpack and turning to face the fuming stallion in front of me.

Jean is about to retort when someone walks up beside us and taps me on the shoulder. I turn to stare down into narrowed pale blue eyes.

"Hey Annie," I greet. I'm aware of Reiner, Bert, and Jean moving away a little to give us some privacy.

Annie is my on again-off again girlfriend, if you could even call her that. Technically we're fuck-buddies since we never go on dates and both see other people. At least I do, I have no idea about Annie's personal life.

"So I overheard Amanda in the bathroom saying how she slept with Eren Jaeger last weekend, and how all her dreams have now come true. 'Eren is soo cool. He is such a bad-boy and soo hot. Best lay of my life'." She snorted at the memory of the dumb blonde.

I raised an eyebrow at her, waiting for her to get to the point.

She sighed. "Jesus, Eren, stop shoving your dick in everything that moves or half of our graduating class will be carrying your babies."

I laughed at that. "You jealous?"

She gave me an eye-roll. "We're friends, Eren. I'm saying this as a friend. Although if you're free tonight, I was thinking we should hang out."

I smirked. "I'll stop by at ~"

"No. I'll pick you up at 10." She turned around and walked off as I laughed to myself at Annie's bossy nature. Not that it bothered me. Her no-shits-given and take-no-shit attitude was why we were good friends in the first place. I could count on her to be blunt with me and state her mind, something that most people were afraid to do around me. Granted, I had a short temper and was known to beat up a few people who said something I didn't like.

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