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Sorry for the long wait! Thank you to everyone for their patience, I hope you are still interested in this story!

The song is by Issues (acoustic version!) Out of curiosity, does anyone listen to the chapter title songs?

Anyway, I present to you Levi's past!

What idiot tried bargaining with drug dealers?

Apparently this guy, with his unwashed hair tied back in a low ponytail, allowing a view of his infected ear piercing.

"Prices are final. If you're unhappy, take it up with the boss." The guy paled at the suggestion of telling Shiganshina's crime lord to lower his prices. Levi watched in semi-bored amusement as the junkie paid up and shambled out of the alley.

"And that's how it's done, kids." Nile stuffed the bills into the pocket of his grungy leather vest. "If anyone tries to jip you, threaten 'em with the fake boss."

"Wait," Farlan held a finger in the air to pause his mentor. "You're telling me there is no boss?"

"There was one years ago. Died in a shoot out. Now we get our drugs from corrupt doctors who want to spice up their lives or aren't satisfied with the bank they're already making."

"Tch." Levi spent his entire childhood in poverty. It disgusted him how the 1% weren't satisfied while a measly $10 to them meant the difference of whether he would eat that day or not.

"Well, that's all I have to teach you today. If you show promise, I'll let you start selling on your own and getting your own cut." Nile departed without a word of farewell.

"D'ya hear that, Levi? Soon we'll have enough money to support ourselves. We can get an apartment and move away from our shit families." Farlan jumped in the air, clapping his heels together. He looked ridiculous, and Levi cracked a smile.

"Don't forget that there's work involved. There'll be guys who think just 'cause you're a high schooler they can beat you up and take the drugs without payin'."

"You worry too much. It'll be fine. It's not like either of us are new to fighting, not with the environment we were raised in. Anyways, I've gotta hurry to meet my girl. Izzy'd freak if she knew I was planning on selling drugs. She's been suspicious lately 'cause I've been busy in the evenings so I agreed to come over and smoke a bowl with her tonight. See ya in class tomorrow!"

Levi watched his childhood friend run off.

"Wow, they're recruiting young these days." Levi whipped his head to the side. A young man leaned casually in the doorframe of the only door leading out to this alley, watching Levi.

"What're you talking about?"

"Wasn't that a drug dealer recruiting you and your friend just now?"

"What's it matter if it was?" Levi crossed his arms and spit to the side.

"Nothing good will come from getting involved with those people."

"'Those people'? You mean poor people making a living however they can? What would a suit like you know about it?"

The tall, blonde man rolled off the doorframe and stepped forward into the alley.

"It has nothing to do with whether they are poor or not. A person can't help the circumstances they are born into. But they can decide if they are going to join an illegal drug cartel or if they are going to work at a legal establishment like this one." The man pointed behind him. Through the doorway Levi could spot a bar counter and leather couches.

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