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Eren opened his eyes last, letting his other senses inform him of his surroundings after what was perhaps the best sleep he ever had. There was a slight soreness in his hips, but it was as painful as the sound of clattering dishes coming from the kitchen, hardly affecting him at all. The scent of delicious, delicious bacon permeated the air.

Before he set a foot on the ground to investigate, Levi returned to their bedroom, carrying a small rectangular storage container as a make-shift tray topped with two plates and two glasses filled with orange juice. He carefully set it down at the end of the bed.

Eren flipped the blankets off his legs and crawled to the end of the bed, gazing at the display. Fluffy chocolate chip pancakes drizzled in syrup occupied half of the plates, scrambled eggs, three slices of crispy bacon, and a small side of fresh fruit filling the other half.


The soft smile directed his way felt warmer than sitting directly under the summer sun.

"I love you," Eren said vehemently.

Eren only grew warmer when Levi responded, "I love you too."

Levi climbed onto the bed, careful not to unbalance the tray. Eren waited for him to settle with his legs crossed underneath him before he leaned over and chastely kissed his cheek.

"Thank you for breakfast in bed."

Levi lifted Eren's hand and brought it to his lips. With an equally gentle kiss he said, "Anything for you."

Eren let the blush overtake him, painting his cheeks a rosy hue. Breakfast passed as a quiet affair, both comfortable to sit side-by-side in silence and enjoy the food. Eren let his moans of delight tell Levi how good the food was.

When their plates and glasses were empty, Eren stacked them and brought them to the kitchen before Levi could protest. Levi followed him to the kitchen to protest anyway.

"You can leave them in the sink, I'll clean them tonight when I get back from work."

Eren responded by turning the faucet on and squirting blue dish soap onto the yellow scouring pad resting beside the sink.

"You made breakfast, the least I can do in return is clean the dishes. Go get ready for work."

Levi frowned but Eren kissed it away, grinning at how all of Levi's fight left his body.

"Thanks," he mumbled, pressing his lips against Eren's forehead before heading to the bathroom. The shower started a minute later.

Eren washed, dried, and put away the dishes. While waiting for Levi to get out of the shower so he could take one, he entered what was meant to be his bedroom and pulled a pair of ripped light-blue jeans and a dark green t-shirt from his dresser, adding a pair of boxers and socks to the pile in his hands. He lay on his bed and watched the motions of his lava-lamp until he noticed the absent sound of running water.

The bathroom door was open with steam billowing out so Eren entered, dropping his clean clothes on the lid of the toilet and moving to the shower, leaving a trail of clothes in his path. He was doing a final rinse of his hair when Levi shouted a fifteen minute warning, and then he was hurrying out of the shower, rubbing down his body with the towel before roughly towel-drying his hair.

Teeth brushed and body clothed, Eren returned to the kitchen to pack his lunch and shove the homework he left on the counter into his backpack. While Levi poured tea into a thermos, Eren returned to their shared bedroom, glancing behind him once to ensure Levi didn't follow him.

He went straight to Levi's closet, pulling open the double doors and rifling through the hangers until he found it.

Levi's expression was blank but his eyes roamed up and down Eren's body when he returned to the kitchen to slip his backpack over his shoulder.

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