Bitter and the Sweetness

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A/N: Chapter title song is by The Ready Set who makes really catchy electropop music. It isn't my usual taste in music but I can't help singing/dancing along. Love Like Woe is my absolute jam right now.

Warning for anyone that wants/needs it: this chapter has non-penetrative sex. Now go forth!

Things were awkward at first. There were the questioning glances when Levi dropped Eren off at school in the morning, both wondering if public morning goodbye kisses were something they did. They weren't.

Initially, physical distance increased. Before, sitting close together or sleeping in the same room meant something, but it didn't mean somethin'-somethin'. Eventually Eren took the bullet and climbed in to Levi's bed to sleep, saying nothing as if it was his rightful place. In Levi's mind, it always had been.

It helped that neither of them knew what they were doing. There was still uncertainty on both sides about what they were. They didn't need labels, but they needed something concrete. It was Levi who thought of a solution.

"Armin says he can make it," Eren confirmed.

"Good, Hanji and Erwin say they're coming as well. Are you sure there's no one else you want to invite?"

Eren shook his head. "They can find out second-hand, or if it comes up in conversation."

Levi nodded absently, finalizing the grocery list for tonight's dinner. "You have practice tonight, right?"

"Yup. Armin said he'll drive me back."

"Tell him thanks. I told Hanji and Erwin to come at 6:30 so you have time to shower and get dressed before they arrive. We don't want a repeat of last time."

"You sure?" Eren waggled his eyebrows. "You could take Hanji's place in Part Two. I'll tell Armin to make himself scarce for an hour, leave the bathroom door unlocked, and then you'll—"

Levi waved his arms as if he could clear the words from the air, needing Eren to stop supplying him with a game-plan before he seriously considered it. He didn't want their first time to be a hurried feel in the bathroom before their dinner guests arrived.

The impish crook in Eren's smile informed Levi that Eren said that on purpose, knowing the effect it would have on him. What a shitty brat. He might love that shitty brat. Not that he'd admit it, it was too early to be giving love confessions if that was even what he felt.

"Come here." Levi crooked his finger and Eren followed it as if he were a marionette and Levi the puppeteer. When Eren was close enough, Levi reached out and pulled him in.

Loosely clasping his hands around Eren's waist, letting them rest against the younger's lower back, Levi leaned forward to peck Eren on the lips. He meant for it to be a brief show of affection before driving Eren to school, but one taste was not enough. Levi had been turned away from drugs ever since Farlan, but Eren was a drug himself, and Levi felt he could comprehend why quitting was so hard and why many addicts refused to quit.

Knowing Eren would speak up if something made him uncomfortable and trusting himself to be able to tell regardless, Levi slid his hands lower, cupping Eren's ass. In Levi's opinion, it was a perfect ass. It was firm from the many squats and lunges basketball practice inflicted upon him, yet there remained a squishiness to it, flesh Levi could squeeze.

"Levi," Eren breathed, arching into Levi's hold at the touch, his eyes half-shutting.

Levi gave one last kiss to Eren's forehead before releasing his hold on Eren's ass and moving to the front door, grabbing his coat on the way.

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