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"Levi, where are the scissors? Over."

"Check the kitchen. Over."

Was their new home large enough to warrant the use of walkie talkies? No. But they were a much better way to communicate than shouting when Levi was cleaning the second floor and Eren was unpacking boxes on the first floor. Was such a purpose on Eren's mind when he purchased the devices? That was also a no. But who was going to chastise him for his childish purchase? Certainly not his husband, who bought Nerf guns so they could fire at the bedroom light to turn it off without getting out of bed.

Eren swerved around a cardboard box on his way to the kitchen. There were still a few boxes they needed to unpack, but otherwise their home was ready for the housewarming party that night. Everyone better be impressed since they moved in only a week ago and didn't realize their house had to be ready for guests until the day before yesterday. Truly, fuck Hanji for planning this housewarming party without their permission, but at least it forced Levi and Eren to get their house in order rather than gradually unpack boxes as they required items.

Their pots, pans, and plates had littered their kitchen counters when they first unpacked them, neither yet knowing which cabinet or drawer they wanted to place them in. They had to decide quickly once Hanji told them about the party, and now nothing remains on the counters except for the scissors Eren was looking for and a vase filled with the colorful alstroemeria Eren bought for Levi on his way home from work the other day.

Returning to the box in the living room, Eren fit the scissors beneath the tape and cut, careful not to cut whatever was packed inside. When he peeled back the flaps, he grinned. He was hoping they'd find these before their friends arrived. Eren chose a few of the picture frames and carried them to the fireplace, its empty mantel waiting to be adorned with the captured memories of its new owners.

The first photograph Eren placed down was from his college graduation. Many photos were taken that day by parents and friends, but this one was Eren's favorite.

Mrs. Bott was the first to find them after the ceremony. They lined up, Eren and Jean in the middle with Armin and Marco on either side, and held up their diplomas as they smiled nicely for Mrs. Bott's camera. If Mrs. Bott had pressed the shutter button a few seconds sooner, she would have gotten that perfect picture of the four boys.

But she didn't, and Eren was glad. In the span of those few seconds, Eren spotted Levi making his way towards him, and his smile became almost painful from how wide it stretched across his face. Jean's expression had changed too, which Eren later found out was because Marco pinched his butt. Meanwhile, Sasha, Connie, Bert, and Reiner were sneaking up from behind, their raised hands and mischievous grins visible in the frame. That was the first photo Mrs. Bott took. The second was a blurry image of the graduating boys jumping in fright and screaming as their friends pounced on them, and the photo taken after that was of them all bent over laughing. That was the one Eren framed.

Eren had many more photos from that day stored loosely in a box somewhere. There was a candid photo of Annie congratulating Eren on his achievement, the soft smiles on their faces saying more than they did to each other in that moment. There was one of Eren and Kimi, originally one of Armin's friends who Eren became friends with too after they both attended a university-sponsored baking class. One of Eren, Sam, and the other guys he befriended from his basketball team. And one of Eren and Grisha.

Eren held up his diploma while his father smiled proudly beside him, his arm wrapped around Eren's shoulders. Unlike his high school graduation photo, this time Eren leaned into his father's embrace. It wasn't a picture that would have existed without family therapy.

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