Karma Police

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A/N: Once again, the chapter title song doesn't appear in this chapter. I like including songs that give a feel for a scene but I'm not going to force them into every chapter. So this chapter's song is just one that I like. But the title is fitting :) Oh, and the song is by Radiohead.

When Eren came to, he was lying on a stiff cot in a concrete room. Well, three of the walls were concrete. The last wall was composed of iron bars. Noticing that his eyes were open, one of the cops at the front desk approached his cell.

"Hey kid, you get one phone call."

The police officer unlocked his cell door and escorted him to a wall phone in the lobby of the police station. He was confused as to why he was at the police station until the dull pain from the bump on the back of his head reminded him of the events of the night. The shoplifting, Bert's prank, Armin calling the police, him hitting his head and falling unconscious. He didn't see Bert or Reiner anywhere so they must have escaped before the cops arrived. Lucky them.

Eren stared at the phone in front of him, thinking about who he could call. For a moment he considered not calling anyone, and sleeping in jail for the night. But one glance back to the hallway of cells and the perverted smile of a fellow detainee who mimed putting his dick finger through a hole formed by his pointer and thumb finger had Eren racking his brain for anyone he could call to get him out of here. His first thought was Jean, but Jean was away this weekend with Marco. He contemplated Reiner or Bert but they probably wouldn't approach a police station with a twenty foot pole after tonight. He didn't want to see the disappointed "I told you so" look that Annie would no doubt give him.

His concentration was broken by the grumbling of his stomach. Knowing it was wishful thinking, he checked his pockets for any candy that the cops might have missed confiscating. Sadly, there was no food, but he felt his fingers brush against the ridges of a small fold of paper. Curious, he pulled it out and saw the phone number of that raven-haired singer from the club. The last words that guy said to him floated to the forefront of his mind: If you ever want to talk. Knowing this was probably a waste of a phone call but not having any better options, Eren dialed the number and waited as the phone rang. Glancing at the clock above the police desk, he saw that it was 1am. He almost hung up, figuring it was pointless to call someone so late at night, a stranger no less, but before he could the other line picked up.

"Hello?" A deep voice answered.

"Um..hey, Levi?"

"Who the fuck is this?"

Eren mentally cursed himself for his shitty lack of introduction. "This is Eren, Annie's friend or whatever. You said, 'If I ever wanted to talk,' but this is obviously a bad time. I'm sorry for calling..." He was about to hang up for the second time when the other voice stopped him.

"No, sorry. I just didn't recognize your voice. Hey, why did caller ID say Shiganshina Police Department?"

There was silence for a few beats. "Funny story..."

"You've got to be kidding me, you shitty brat. Are you in jail?"

"Does a police station jail cell count as actual jail?"

There was a deep sigh from the other end of the line. "I'm on my way."

The phone disconnected and Eren stared down at it in confusion. Did Levi mean he was coming here to bail him out?

While he waited in his cell, the same detainee from before, whose cell was diagonal from his, tried to get his attention. After ten minutes of crude comments, cat calls, and obscene gestures to get his attention, Eren gave in. He rose from his cot and sensually approached the bars of his cell. The detainee sat up straighter, watching every swish of Eren's hips. Eren gave a coy smile as he turned his back to the detainee. Slowly, he bent forward, sticking his ass up in the air. The detainee started whooping. Moving one of his hands down his thigh and between his legs, Eren heard an intake of breath behind him. Then, his hand appeared behind his legs, all fingers closed except the middle one.

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