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A/N: Hiya peeps! Sorry for the long wait on an update. I want to say I'll be better in the future but that would be a lie. I'm back at college and my workload is ridonkulous. But I'm not dropping this story so just hold on! Don't let go! There is enough room on this piece of wood for the both of us!

Song: Drive by Halsey


"Um...that was..." Eren broke off, unable to finish his thought either from embarrassment or uncertainty over what he intended to say in the first place.

In the heat of the moment, pranking Hanji with a call where Eren and I pretended to have sex seemed like a fitting punishment for the person who read too many yaoi mangas and liked to see things with fujoshi goggles on. Their hopes would rise just to be slashed with the cold knife of reality.

From the embarrassed squeak on the other end of the line before Hanji hung up, I knew we were convincing. However, there was unfortunate backlash. Eren's cheeks were red and he refused to make eye contact with me.

That brat's voice, his acting, the way he threw his head back in ecstasy as he acted out the scene, all those things caused heat to rise in my cheeks as well.

It was my suggestion we prank Hanji, so it was my responsibility to repair the awkward situation that resulted.

"That Shitty Glasses shouldn't bother you again. Want some tea before bed?" I asked casually as I stood up and started to climb back through the living room window.

Eren scrambled onto his feet and nodded his head, following me inside the apartment silently.

I moved to the kitchen to start boiling water. Silly me, I figured that Eren would follow the path I had set where we ignored what just transpired and moved on with our night.

"Why does Hanji keep implying that we are fucking? We are just roommates...?" The unspoken "right?" that finished his question hung like a delicate bubble in the air. I wasn't going to touch it with a ten-foot pole because even a gentle tap would pop what I knew was best left alone. You couldn't repair a bubble. Once it was popped, it was unable to return to its previous shape, just like Eren's and my relationship would be if I confronted whether we were just roommates or other feelings existed.

"Don't try to figure out what goes on in that freak's head, brat. And it's not too shocking they would think something was up after that "daddy" shit you pulled at the diner a few weeks ago when the three of us got dinner."

"I...I was just..."

"Yeah, I know. You're just a horny teenager that acts before thinking. I'll explain things to Hanji on Friday so they don't accidentally say something and wreck your chances of picking someone up in the future."

"I don't care about that. Levi, I..."

"How do you want your tea?" I interrupted. The serious expression on the brat's face made me nervous. He seemed to finally accept that I was going to avoid the topic, because he grabbed his tea. We both drank quietly, before setting the empty mugs in the sink and preparing for bed.

I couldn't decide whether I was relieved or disappointed when Eren didn't come to my room for what had become a nightly habit of sharing warmth to fend off the cold, assaulting darkness.


The second day of tryouts went much like the first. On the third and final day of tryouts however, Coach Zacharius focused on team play. Oh joy.

The groups were constantly shuffled so the athletes had to adjust to their new teammates and try not to pass to members of their former teams by accident. It was most likely Coach Zacharius' intention to see how well the athletes worked with each other and which combinations were the strongest.

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