Love; Not Wrong (Brave)

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A week blurred by followed by another as Eren adapted to a new routine consisting of morning classes, afternoons of class or free time depending on the day, and evenings occupied by basketball practice and homework.

Unlike the slow start to the school year in high school, Eren already had a paper due at the end of the week, a group project due in three weeks, and hours of reading to do every night. Stohess University definitely lived up to its reputation of being an academically rigorous school.

The weekend couldn't come fast enough, and when it did, it went by too fast.

On Saturday, Eren, Jean, Marco, and Armin explored Stohess, the city that would be their home for the next four years. As they wandered around, Marco spotted a few museums he wanted to visit and Armin made note of bookshops they passed that might sell cheaper textbooks. Eren and Jean spotted a few bars before remembering they can't drink if they want to remain on the basketball team. Of course, they could drink if they weren't caught, but it wasn't worth the risk of losing their scholarships nor would they have any interest in drinking after basketball practice ended and they had homework to finish before waking up early for classes.

Eventually their stomachs asked to be fed and their tired feet yearned for a rest. Not too far from them was an American restaurant Marco said was recommended by to him by an upperclassmen. The burgers were famous for their size and unusual toppings.

Eren took a picture of his burger topped with curly fries and guacamole and sent it to Levi.

Sunday was spent with the basketball team. It's a tradition to gather at Coach Langnar's house for a barbecue at the start of the year so the team can bond. Eren knew most of his teammates last names from hearing them called out in practice, but this is the first time he's gotten to speak words to them other than 'I'm open' and 'pass.'

One of the guys, Sam Almonte, happened to be in his required college writing class. He seemed like a good dude, and they traded numbers in case they needed to ask the other about an assignment.

Eren wondered how Jean was doing and looked around the yard for him. He spotted him by the fire pit, soaking in the advice the upperclassmen were giving on how to survive college. Things like having good time-management, not skipping class unless it was for your health, and getting sleep even if you hadn't finished an assignment.

Eren wandered over to join them. He hadn't established the best habits in high school and could use some advice on how to not fuck up his college years.

And just like that the weekend ended and another week of classes began.

It wasn't until Wednesday night during his second week at college that Eren and Levi's schedules matched up to Skype.

Eren smiled brightly in greeting and scanned Levi's cozy appearance. Levi was wearing a faded black Rise Against t-shirt and a maroon beanie. Eren thought Levi looked best just like this, dressed down and relaxed. He wished he looked as appealing to Levi as Levi currently did to him, but unfortunately, because of his busy schedule, Eren predicted there would be more nights like tonight where he rushed back to his dorm after practice to Skype Levi. With practice ending around 10pm and Levi preferring to sleep by 11pm on weeknights, Eren couldn't waste precious time showering.

"How was your practice?"

Eren sinked lower in his chair, letting his head rest against the back.

"Exhausting. College-level basketball is no joke."

He sits upright again and scoots his chair closer to his laptop.

"But my team is great. There was a barbecue on Sunday at Coach's house, so we've gotten to know each other better. It's not the same as being with my high school team, but I can see myself becoming good friends with some of the guys."

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