As Long As You Love Me

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"Don't you dare, Eren. I swear, I will push you out of this moving vehicle if you play Justin Bieber."

"But Levi," Eren whined. "I know he's scum but his music is really catchy. As long as you love me, we could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke," Eren sang.

His voice wasn't half bad. He could at least carry a tune and not crack. Still, Levi was a man of his word (sort of) and he pushed Eren's shoulder hard so the brunet was pressed against the passenger side door, laughing his ass off.

"Don't hate, Levi. Catchy music is catchy music, no matter how awful the person who sings it is. People still come to watch you perform after all."

"You snarky shit."

Eren continued to play Justin Bieber songs from his Spotify account through the bluetooth connection in Levi's car as Levi drove Eren to school.

Levi sat tapping his steering wheel as he watched the boy enter the school building, and that's when an idea struck him. Levi pressed the touch screen in his car to start a group call. Various greetings issued forth from his sound system and Levi waited for the confusion to settle before he got to his point.

"I know this is last minute, but I was wondering if you guys were able to take the day off from work."

A quick explanation, a squeal, a groan, and a chuckle later, the plan was made. Levi drove back to the apartment.


When they entered The Underground, Eren gave a quick kiss to Levi's cheek before darting away to the DJ booth, not giving Levi the chance to respond. He was gone the instant after his lips made contact, as if he feared Levi would disapprove of the public display.

Levi frowned to himself as he watched Eren's retreating back. If Eren still doubted the genuineness of his feelings, Levi would have to ramp up his efforts to convince the brunet.

"...M4 and...Levi, what are you doing here?"

Eren whipped around at Hanji's words.


Levi stepped close, slipping one hand through Eren's thick hair and pushing his head down to slot their lips together.

"You ran off before I could return your kiss. So I had to chase you."

Eren's blush was magnificent. What a deceptively innocent appearance he had.

"You realize I am right here?"


"And now I have a new picture. Thanks Levi!" Hanji cackled as they held their screen out for Levi and Eren to see the picture of their kiss.

"Not bad, Shitty-glasses. Send the picture to me so I can set it as my wallpaper too."

Hanji gaped, not expecting that response, before grinning broadly and doing as Levi asked. Eren stared at Levi with shock and curiosity.

If Eren needed to be constantly shown and told that he was wanted until there wasn't a single doubt in his mind that Levi wanted him, then Levi would do just that.

"I have to meet the band. Have a good time with Hanji and I'll see you after the show." Levi ruffled Eren's hair, the boy swatting the hand away as his blush deepened and his eyes averted from Levi's in embarrassed happiness at the affection.

"Hey, Levi."

Levi greeted his band members, joining them for a quick meeting before they performed.

"Are we seriously still doing this?" Auruo grumbled. Petra elbowed him in the ribs, bouncing on her toes and covering her mouth with her hands, though her squeals still slipped through.

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