warrior cat oc's pt 2

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Hail: Sir, im giving you a ticket for trying to carry 3 cats on a motorcycle.

Darkwing and Saphire: Only three?!



Shadestar: You first!

Sparrowpaw: No, YOU first

Shadestar: YOU FIRST!

Sparrowpaw: NO, YOU FI-

Nightshade: *pushes through both of them* No, ME first.
Nightpaw, from the top ledge cause there in a cave. (Its nightshade, but younger) : Guys i there's a monster under my bed!

Fernpaw, from the floor: *sighs* Seriously.

Willow: I don't think your mom approves of me...

Ivywish: don't worry, she doesn't approve of me either!
Willow casually searching the camp*

Skyfoot: umm Willow what are you doing?

Willow: looking for my will to live

Ivywish walks into camp*

Willow: oh there she is!

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