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"Seishu, quick! Yuzuha is waiting for me!" you shouted while wearing your shoes.

"Alright, done!" he said as running up to you, giving you your bento that he prepared. "Goodluck!" he cheered, leaving a quick peck on your forehead as you gave thumbs-up to him.

"Bye, bye. See you later." you said, waved at him and left the house.

"See you later" he smiled at you, whispering "I love you" while he watched your figure disappears from his sight.

Everyday Sundays you two have a sleepover at each other's places, which was Inupi's idea and he wanted it to happen more often but he couldn't tell you that. Waking up in the morning on Monday, he will be always prepared your breakfast and bento, which is sweet.

It's been a one year since Toman disbanded and you gave Inupi a chance to court you. 3 months since he became your boyfriend. Now that former gang members are living in normal life, you continued to finish your school while Inupi works at D&D motors with Draken.

He can cook, he can clean, he can take a care of you, he can treat you well. There is no reason that you don't accept him as your boyfriend. He is just way too good boyfriend. Or so you thought.


"...Hakkai is still going to a model agency in person, hoping some of the would accept him. Because of his past being deliquent and scar on his lip, it's just hard for him to get accepted." Yuzuha ranted to you while going to the area you two usually sit.

It was orginally Yuzuha, Hakkai and you three's sitting area but lately Hakkai is absent due to him trying desperately to become model. Him being #1 Mitsuya fanboy, he would go similar path as his.

"I hope he will get accepted soon. He is tall and he got pretty good genes-" your words cut off by your phone ringing. You hurriedly grabbed your phone from your pocket.

"Is it Inupi again?" Yuzuha asked, slighty mad tone in her voice and you nodded. "Damn, that dude really have to leave you alone" she mumbled.

"Excuse me for a second" you walked away for few step and picked up the call, began to talk to him through the phone.

Even while working, Inupi always makes sure that you are okay. And sometimes his this behiavour makes you feel suffocated. Phone calls and texts everytime or sometimes he show up at your school out of blue.

Yuzuha looked at you from afar, annoyed by your clingy boyfriend. It is the 5th time today, your conversation with Yuzuha interrupted by him. She doesn't understand why you are still with but no matter what, in her mind, Inupi will always be that jerk from her older brother's gang.

『𝘾𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙞𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢』❥Yandere! Inui Seishu × readerWhere stories live. Discover now