CHAPTER 2. Patience

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Eric walked out to his car, where the kids were waiting for him.  He stopped short at seeing Ericka in the driver's seat.  'Patience Lord, that girl is going to be the death of me.'

He pulled open the car  door.  "Ericka get out, you are not driving."

"But Daddy..."

"No buts, get out."  

Ericka got out of the car and stamped her way to the other side of the car.  She got in the  front seat , and slammed the door hard, knowing that was a pet peave of her father. 

Eric slid into the driver's seat. "Ericka move to the back and let EJ sit up front." 

"Why Daddy?" Ericka pouted.

"EJ get out and exchange seats with your sister."

EJ knowing what this meant , quickly responded. "Daddy, she can stay. I don't  care about riding up front."

'What the fuck am I going to do with this boy?' 

"I am not asking you if you like it EJ.  Just do as I say, NOW!"

At the sound of his voice, both Ericka and  EJ quickly exchanged seats. 

"Thank you both, now we can get going." He slowly took off down the private road.

He looked at Ericka in the rear view mirror.  She was pouting and grumbling to herself.  

"So Ericka, what exactly is in that envelope you are hanging onto like your life depends on it?"

 "Daddy, I already told applications."

"Yeah? To which college?"

"I don't want to talk about it now."

"Then later we talk about it?" 

Ericka nodded yes.

"Angel, put that book away and eat up."

He looked at Kayla through the rear mirror.  She  was busy sucking on her pacifier.  With Eric's back to her, Kay had no clue that her father could see everything that was going on through the rear view mirror.  "Kay?"

"Yet Daddy."

"Is that a paci I see  in your mouth?"

Kay's eyes popped open.  "No, no paci." Eric could barely made out what she said with the pacifier hanging from her mouth.

Eric smiled to himself. He thought this was the lord's way of getting back at him by giving him three girls...and sneaky ones at that.  As young as Kay was, she knew how to manipulate her father to get what she wanted.

Eric pulled into the school  yard to let  Kay out.  "Kay I thought we agreed that you wouldn't  take that paci to school."

"Oooooooh." Kay said.  That was her favorite saying when she knew that she was in trouble.

Eric came to a stop and got out  of the car.  Kay quickly pulled the pacifier from  her mouth and gave it to her father.  "Here Daddy, yours." Kay said wrinkling her nose and shaking her head full of jet black curls, her big brown eyes sparkling with mischieve.  

'Sahita would be happy with this one.  She had all the features of an Indian baby.' 

 "Thank you Kay." Eric took the pacifier.  He  picked Kay up and kissed her.   "You are one of daddy's best girl.  And daddy's best girls dont need this. Right?"  Eric held up the pacifier.  

Kay nodded yes, then no, then wrapped her tiny arms around her father's neck. "I yov daddy, yu yov Kay."

"Yes, I love Kay."

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