Chapter 17. TRUCE

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Ericka was released from the hospital later that day.  Luke would not hear of her going back to that dorm alone.  He took her there to get some of her things  and then  he took her home with him.  As they drove to his place, he looked over at her.  He loved having her with him.  He wished Eric would agree and let her stay with him.

"You feeling ok?" He asked.

"I just feel out of it.  I feel tired." 

"That is normal after what you have have been through.  We will get some soup into you and you can rest."

"Thanks Uncle Luke.  Thanks for everything."

"No problem, you are like my own daughter...I hope you know that I love you as such."

Ericka nodded.  Luke pulled into his garage and helped Ericka from the car.  Each time Ericka visited him, she wondered about this huge warehouse loft her uncle called home.  She wondered why this beautiful man lived like a hermit. She had never met a friend of his.  

The building  had three floors, the top floor was where he resided.  The other two apartments were fully renovated but not furnished.  She asked him once if he intended to rent them out.  He responded that they were for family and friends when they visited, yet they remained unfurnished.  

They entered the third floor loft.  "You know where your room is." He said.  Ericka grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and headed to the room her uncle designated as hers. 

"Ericka we need to address the elephant in the room."

"You mean Daddy?" 

"Yes we have to tell him what happened." Luke said.

Ericka nodded.  "He is going to pull me out of school, I know he will."

"You don't know that, but going forward here, there, or anywhere, you need to follow the rules.  Rules are in place for your protection Ericka."

"I am sorry." She cried.

"No need to cry.  Look I will call your dad and talk to him first.  Is that ok with you?"

Ericka was not sure that was a good idea.  She knew that her Father and Uncle did not get along. She had a feeling that it had something to do with her mother. 

"Ok, but why don't you call Mom instead?"

"No Ericka, this is a situation for your father. We will call him together.  I want him to know that you are safe."

Ericka stood with her arms wrapped about her as Luke made the call.  She waited and waited but her father never answered the call.  'He probably see that its Uncle Luke calling  and decide not to take the call.'  Luke hung up the phone, then dialed again, making it ring twice before he hung up.

Ericka looked at her Uncle.  "Is that a special code between you and Daddy?"

Before Luke could answer, the phone rang.  It was Eric.  "You just pull me out of a fucking meeting, this better be a life and death situation." Eric said.

"It is." Luke replied.

There was a pause on Eric's end.  "What is going on whose life...or death?" He asked. 

"Did you call back on a secure line?"

"Yes, what is the emergency?"

"I have Ericka here with me..."

"Ericka?! Is she ok? Answer me mother fucker.  Is she allright?!"

"She is alright, but something happened.  This fucker drugged her." 

The Sins Of The FatherOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant