Chapter 12. Friend Zone?

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Becky herded the children out of the room. Ericka got up to leave, while EJ remained seated. Eric gave EJ the look and he quickly got up and leave. "Ericka, stay." Both Eric and Tanya said at the same time. Ericka folded her arms about her and pouted. 

"Sit down," her mother said.

"Now, what is really going on between you two?" Eric pointed at Zach, then Ericka.

"Nothing," They both responded at the same time.

"Nothing? So you travel thousands of miles to see someone you have NOTHING with?" Eric asked.

Zach looked at Ericka, then at her parents. "I know how it looks...but Ericka and I...well, I was worried about her the way she left school. I wanted to make sure that she was ok." Zach said.

"He is telling the truth Daddy. We are just friends. He is more of a friend to me than I am to him."

"I am glad that Ericka has such a "good" friend. For you to go out of your way to ensure that she was ok, that is commendable. Thanks Zach for looking out for her." Tanya said.

But Eric was far from satisfied with Zach's explanation. "So now that you know that she is ok and is with her family, you can go home to your family and stop worrying about your friend."

Zach looked at Ericka. "Yes sir."

"Well no need to cut your stay short.  We want you to stay.  Don't we hon?  We always  throw a  beach party complete with a bonfire and all whenever we have guests. Let's show Zach how we entertain on the island. Bones I am sure you already know how it's done." Tanya said.

Bones grinned. "Yes Mam."

Zach did not miss the look Eric gave his wife. He was sure that Eric wanted him gone. The man still doubt my intentions for coming to the island.

"I am sure Zach and Bones need to get back home to their family." Eric said.

"We accept your invitation Mrs. Willbrooks. We will leave after the party." Bones said.

"Tanya, please call me Tanya."


With all the kids in bed for the night, including Zach and Bones, Eric retired to the master suite he shared with his wife. She was in bed with Ace asleep in her arms. Eric gently lifted the baby from Tanya's arms and took him to his bed in the nearby nursery.

Eric walked back into the room fresh from his shower. "You will take care of everything for the beach party for Zach and Bones, right?" Tanya asked.

He was pissed that Tanya invited the boys to overstay their welcome. He invited them so he could keep an eye on them and not to entertain them.

"They were ready to go home, why did you have to invite them to stay?" Eric asked.

"You are losing your touch. Don't you want to know what is really going on with Zach and Ericka?" She asked.

Eric's neck snapped around. "So you do believe there is more than friendship between them?"

"You were right, if he just wanted to know if she was ok, all he had to do was call her not travel thousands of miles to come see her.  I don't know what they are not telling us,  but I intend to find out. I am sure he is in love with her, but how she feels about him, I am not sure. But then again she is your daughter. She knows how to hide her feelings when she wants to." Tanya said.

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