Chapter 1. Next Generation

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Ericka looked at herself in the mirror, put her hands on her hips and posed. She smiled at her reflection. She moved in closer and looked at her eyes and the smile gradually faded from her face. She could not miss the one unique feature that stood out from all the rest. It was the first thing eveyone noticed, the first thing they commented on...

"Where did these eyes come from? And they seem to change color depending on my mood. " She asked out loud.  Mommy doesn't have these eyes, neither does Daddy or EJ,  Lala and Kay.  Why me?" 

Everyone thought that she looked like her father, except for her eyes, they all say. Ericka recalled the first time she realized that she was different. Everyone always told her how beautiful she was until the new girl Sasha arrived on the scene. Ericka was ten years old and she was on the playground at school with all the other kids at recess. Sasha pointed at Ericka and called everyone's attention to her eyes.

'Look at her eyes, they are all blue,' She shouted as everyone gathered around her to see

Kyle came to her rescue. "Leave her alone, they are not blue, they are green and they are beautiful.'

Sasha pushed Kyle. "Dont go near her. She is a witch," she screamed.

Kyle pushed Sasha really hard and she fell to the ground screaming.

"She is not a witch. She is my friend."  Kyle told her.

Mrs Gordon their teacher ran over and rebuked Sasha for the trouble maker she was, but life after that was never the same for young Ericka. She paid the price for being the most beautiful girl in all her classes.  People came from far and wide wanting her to do commercials and modeling, but  they were all shown the door by her father.  Her parents never asked  her if she was interested.  They decided for her.

All the boys gravitated to her but the girls all hated her. They pretended to be her friend, but she knew that they were not genuine. As she got older she soon realized that her friendship was not all the boys were interested in. Her father gave her a lecture on what boys wanted.  But  her very best friend was a boy...after that day on the playground Kyle became her very best friend.  She has known Kyle since nursery  school  and the only person she confided in.

Ericka continued to stare at the girl looking back at her in the mirror. "No way I am going to college here on the island. I would have to deal with the same people, same shit for the next four years if I do. I have to convince Mommy and Daddy to make me go away... far from here." 


Becky knocked on Ericka's bedroom door and pushed the door open. "Ericka, you are going to be late. The family is waiting on you for breakfast."

"Why? Do they need me to help them chew?"

"That attitude will only get you in trouble young lady."

"Ok, ok I am coming down." She slumped her shoulders.

Becky looked at her and shook her head. "Better fix that skirt. If Mr. E sees how short you pulled it up, he is likely to ground you for a year."

Ericka looked at her uniform. "Oh shit." She pulled the skirt down until it was at her knees. This was a daily ritual, pulling it to her knees when she was around her father then the minute she was out of his sight and reach school she rolled it so it was so short she could not bend without showing her underwear.

Why do you need to wear your uniform so short?" Becky asked.

" All the girls wear it this way. No one wears their uniform at knee length, but Daddy insists that I do."

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