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Hijacked Of Innocence Series book 4 - The Sins Of The Father

Copyright 2021  L.V. Chambers

All Rights reserved:  Please do NOT copy or reproduce any part of this book without first getting permission from the author.

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

WARNING: Mature content; Contains strong language ; Violence ; Explicit and implicit sex scenes.

The tale of the  Willbrooks  dynasty  continues in book 4  of the Hijacked Of Innocence series.  You have met  Rick and his sons Eric and  Lloyd in the previous books.  You have also met Ericka, Eric's  and  Tanya's young daughter as a young child...Well now meet seventeen-year Ericka on the cusp of womanhood.  She is about to embark on the adventure of her life.  Despite her parent's decision that she attend college on the island, Ericka's mind was  dead set on going away to school.  Something was calling her to America and she had to go.  She went  unbeknown  to her parents and applied to her father's alma Mater in the united State.  And  much to her surprise and her parents' disappointment, she was accepted by the ivy league university.  

After much begging and charming of her father, Eric decided  that it was not a bad idea for her to attend college off the island but with one stipulation. Ericka quickly agreed not knowing what the stipulation was.   She is expected to return home after graduating college to help run the business with her father  and  eventually take over from him one day and run the family empire.  

Against the advice of  the family patriarch and other family members, Eric  decided to name  his first born child Ericka , heir to the family fortune instead of  his first born son as is the  tradition. 

If you think Eric and Tanya's life was full volatility, well you have not seen anything yet.  Buckle up.... securely, because you are in for the ride of your life.    

This is book 4 in the "Hijacked Of Innocence" series. It can be read alone but it is encouraged that you read book 1-3 first and in order.


What is destiny? Some believe that our lives are predestined and it doesn't matter which path we take, the outcome will be the same. Others believe that it is our decisions, our choices in life that determine the outcome and where we end up.  What do you think? 


Eric Willbrooks:  AGE 41  Badass, takes no prisoners

Eric saw the passion, determination and aggressiveness in his  young daughter  since she was a little girl....all the quality  needed to run and grow the family business, but which was lacking in his sons.   He defied family tradition  of having  the first-born male run the company  and picked  Ericka instead.  He had taken the  company  from  a million company  to a billion  dollar  empire.  And now it was Ericka's turn to take the baton.  He had been grooming Ericka since day one to do just that despite her mother's objection.  

"Don't let anyone fool you that women are weak; you can be powerful as any man and you can do anything a man can do if you want it bad enough," her very progressive father drove into her head since she was two years old. 

Ericka Willbrooks:  AGE 17 worships her father 

Seventeen year old Ericka is heir to the Willbrooks family Fortune. Ericka was determined to follow in her father's footstep by going to the same college, pursuing the same career goals and returning home to run the Family empire.   She worshipped her father and would not  disappoint  him.   Ericka was clueless as to the life changing events that awaited her in this new country.....America.   

Zach  Brosman:  Age 20 - 21  Ericka's Love Interest.

Zach was from a very distinguished Boston catholic family who had a great future planned out for him; partnership in the family law firm that would eventually lead to a career in politics and even the white house they thought was in his grasp.  He is from Old New England money  and  is   pursuing  a graduate  degree  in Economics and  Law.   He is driven, ambitious and  like Ericka he has his entire life all planned out for him.  He is the apple of his mother's eye.  He is tall, dark and hansom,  a gorgeous  specimen of a man and has a way with the ladies.  He plays college basketball, but does not care to go pro and when he is not doing any of those mundane  things mentioned above, he plays in the college rock band.  Lead singer, lead guitar.  Well, well , well. 

Tanya Willbrooks : AGE 38  Her husband weakness

Tanya is totally against her husband choosing their daughter Ericka as heir to the Willbrooks fortune over their son EJ.  It has always been the custom for the first male child to take over and run the family business.  She did not want that for her daughter.  She believes pitting siblings against each other in that manner is asking for big trouble.  "May the best woman or man win and so far Ericka is way out front; EJ lacks the drive needed to run the business."  Eric told his wife. 


A simple decision by Ericka to follow in her father's footstep is about to change her life and everyone's life around her forever. Skeletons are about to fall out of the closets and Long hidden secrets are about to be revealed....secrets that could rock the small island to its core and impact families, careers and lives for generations to come.  

Some called it destiny others called it karma ... "Sins  Of The Father" visited upon the children!!


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